Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You prayed - God moved the mountain!

Surgery is moved to 7:30 a.m. Oct 27th

It is not often that you get to watch a miracle unfold - but today I have.  
The red tape involved in getting me scheduled was pretty thick. 
I had gotten the date at the end of next month several days ago, and was working the phone to get it sooner -- getting no where and feeling pretty desperate about it
This morning, during devos, I had a duh moment -- ask people to pray.  
I asked y'all to pray about it--  
This afternoon, the bureaucratic mountain moved!  

Who says God doesn't hear prayers?  
And if the answer had been next month, he still would have heard, and there would have been a reason....
but I am doing a happy dance!!  Dance with me!  
Thank you so much for lifting this up!  

Back to packin

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