Sunday, May 27, 2018

Pushing on

Writing a blog for you that is worthy of reading takes time.  Generally I write part of it and then over the next several days, I edit, add and polish it to give you something that is worthy of your reading....Part of this blog was written last week in the throws of chemo, and now I am tweaking it during my good week.  The weeks are very, very different and both have their issues.  For instance, while I am feeling better, it is 4 a.m. and I have been up since 2 - part of the steroid whiplash as well as a full moon!  I've taken as much Calms Forte as I should and here I am - already read scripture for 1.5 hours and just cannot sleep.  A few hours down the road will be ugly an infant - days and nights mixed up -- its great fun --- NOT!  Bad thought patterns are harder to govern during the night also - easier to get depressed....

Often people comment, "You look great - One would never know you are sick!"  This is pretty much true.  Most of the time, whenever you see me, I am pretty normal (well normal might be a stretch!) and pretty strong.  This is an innate defense mechanism against the whole mess.  It is not a wish to be pollyanna or to mislead you.  I am genuinely thrilled to see you and you are a great distraction.  Should you ask me how life is going for me,  at that point, I am very happy to be distracted by you and the truth is that I am a whole lot better than sometimes!  Later, exhaustion may set in, but at the time we are talking, I chose not to think about what may be coming and life really is as good as it gets! 

A candid window into last weeks world --
Part of why I was not writing as much was that some of this is pretty depressing, 
and it never ends.............
There is always something to remind me of what I am battling, whether it is another appointment, whether its my nose that runs continuously or my mouth that burns at anything other than tepid/bland or the sad fact that my muscle tone and stamina is's always something!  This round of struggling with the depressing stuff started w my friend asking how the heck I dealt with all this - and she was not to be put off by my being so happy to see her...
My standard answer holds true -- God carries me - carries us.  And --
I really do not stop to dwell on it too often because it is just too hard.  
But sometimes it just gets to be too much...............

It's been over a year now - and the chemo is getting more intense.  Not saying it is as bad as any other chemo - just saying it is not pleasant.  Your whole body feels wracked with discomfort - not really pain as in a broken bone or smashing your hand in a door, but very, very uncomfortable.  You try to tough it out, distract yourself, be strong and get stuff done and you just get tired, weary of being strong.  There have been times I just laid in Todd's lap and cried for the misery of it.

I try not to think about how long this is gonna go on, but for life??? really ?? for the rest of my life??
If I don't do chemo, the tumors grow and then I have discomfort from the tumors -- my oncologist says it is one of the most painful cancers....
And yet here I am - I look like I'm fine - 1/3 of the the time I am fine - 1/3 of the time I am just ok, but able to push through with distraction and 1/3 of the time I just want to sleep because that is the most comfortable way to get through it.  Its my life and I am so thankful to still be here - but it is getting old.  I would ask for prayers to have the strength to keep pushing, to be brave and strong, to keep fighting, to keep sleeping through the chemo so I can wake up feeling better, to be ok with not getting things done, to be ok with unfinished projects, to be thankful for the the family time that I do be thankful...

Exhaustion hits at the drop of a hat - I don't get the "gee, I'm getting tired" thing.  It's 90 to nothing in about 5 minutes!  Tough to gauge social outings and how much I really can do. Todd does a great job reading me and helping me avoid the slam of change from energetic to done. It's bone weary exhaustion - lie down and either sleep soundly, or rest so hard that I do not move for an hour even tho my brain may be awake, my body is beyond tired...Its as though my blood has changed to lead and my bones to iron - trapped with my mind wakeful and my body unmoving....the chemo is taking its toll.  They say if the cancer does not kill you, the chemo will...charming thought! 

Hope this window is not too discouraging -- I had been drawing the blinds over it for a long time, but as the chemo gets tougher to manage, I decided to share it with you because  you have been such a blessing - a kind, prayerful, wonderful blessing that has kept us going when nothing else would...God is awesome in his care and concern for us, blessing us as you have been his hands and feet many times - driving, shopping, cleaning, ironing, laundry, just sitting with me or praying for us....
Thanks for listening to me whine...trying hard not to complain too much and to be thankful for the  time I'm ok and the time that I can ignore it....thankful that He is with me in the dark  time that is awful.....

On a happier note, my hair has re grown enough that I could cut and style it! It is still fuzzy, thin and fine and it definitely has its own opinions about how its going to lie (several patches are stubbornly curly and most is more straight and fine so it is a challenge!)   I wore my hair for years like this about 12 years ago, so I am feeling like the hands of time have re-wound.  People don't always recognize me if I go sans wig!  It is a joy to have the option!  

Bottom line - no matter how awful I feel or how discouraged my heart is, I know that God loves me and has a plan that I am just not understanding..."I trust you Lord..." Easy to say - hard to mean! Repetition helps! 

Psalm 118:17 
I will not die but live and
will proclaim what the Lord has done! 

PET scan coming up in a few weeks (they're every 3 mos,)
Steroid mouth wash working pretty well I think
Open mouth sores go away, sensitive mouth tissue never really leaves 
Potassium somewhat low so having to take the huge pills (ack!)
Found a pretty good balance to keep my gut digesting effectively
Struggling w muscle cramps from no use during chemo weeks-then use my off week
Need to walk more and don't have self discipline!!!
Weight holding

Liver levels within normal range
That we are doing pretty well given are a good distraction! 
For lots of fun company coming to visit
Blessed by the Olu vocal jazz group coming to sing for me!  
    what talented kids - what huge hearts - one of them initiated a prayer at the end of our 
    time together - melt my heart. Love these people! (my concert is posted on Facebook)
For time in the garden
To get a few projects sorta done - baby steps!
That God never fails or leaves me in the pit...that He gives me his strength...

Thanks for all you do - your prayers for us! Thanks for checkin' in!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Has it really been a month? Chemo 25!

Can't believe it has been a month!  
Living life - been super blessed to be awol because I was visiting our Montana family! 
Weight good, steady due to a few carbs
Sleeping more
Exercise - ok
Physically, everything is really pretty good - last chemo went ok, though never fun, and I was able to travel on that Saturday - though I was several shades of green!  

This chemo has been fair - felt really nauseated last night and this morning, but the medicine reined it in...
PET scan coming probably early June
Mouth sores continue to be a big problem, making me sensitive to heat, cold, texture, spice and just about everything! Got a new steroid, swish and spit mouthwash to help take down the inflamation and it seems to be helping, not eradicating, but helping!   It’s all part of the game I am playing, and it is painful but I am so thankful for the new medicine and the magic mouthwash that makes my mouth numb and helps heal it up.  Baby oragel helps too~

So thankful for my volunteers who help me regularly!  While in Montana, I realized my drivers were not set up for this week and even at short notice, they were gracious enough to arrange to help me!  I also asked my bible study group for some Summer help as so many people travel, and several people signed up!  God’s hands and feet!  I am so blessed.  Every time I go there are patients who are much weaker than I am, coming in alone.  The alone part is very hard-just walking in alone is hard, but I cannot imagine processing what the doctor says (if anything new) and then going in by yourself, knowing how awful you are gonna feel!  I am always so  aware of those patients and thankful for my friends that shoulder this burden with me.
One of my cross country friends honored me and I am humbled!!  She does not live locally, and has really wanted to be a help but was obviously unable to, other than her faithful prayers!  She hunted around and found an organization that sets up rides for cancer patients who need them but do not have friends or family who can help them.  After doing some investigating, she has signed up and is driving for cancer patients!  When we spoke, she said that even if she could not help me, at least she felt like she was a part of my cancer journey and was blessing someone in the process of loving me!   I am so thrilled and honored that someone was motivated to help others because of my story!  Is there someone in your circle of influence that you can bless?  Running errands - buying groceries - a costco run - providing a meal or even just a special snack - picking up medicine - - these blessings allow me to spend my limited energy doing something that is more fun or more necessary - what a gift!  

On another note, while in Montana, I was blessed with an amazing thunderstorm and a lot of rain!  Many would not think this was a blessing, but I miss the storms of the midwest and rainy days!  Please remember this area of the country in your prayers tho as they are having a 100 year flood...the rivers were so swollen and overflowing and rain is forecasted and the snow in the mountains is still melting so it will probably get worse...

Another blessing of visiting big sky country is the fantastic food!  I am not supposed to eat beef but one time a month— but I don’t count deer and antelope - lol!  It was fantastic!  I have developed a deep appreciation for good food and am eating organic and clean probably 90% of the time.  The other 10% are when we eat out, are traveling or I feel like “sinning” and even then, my diet is not awfull - I choose fish or vegetarian and love my vegies— but the antelope and deer were fantastic!

The biggest blessing tho of my visit was family.  Nothing can describe the joy I get from developing a relationship with my 3 1/2 year old grand daughter(which is hard to do when you are not local) .  She exercises my brain in ways that lumosity cannot touch with an endless love of pretend play - that part of my brain has lain dormant for a long time!  Reading books - making tents - creating storylines - crawling around on the floor all are powerful medicine and I am so thankful for the time!  Her little sister blessed me with baby snuggles and giggles that were beyond compare!  I am so blessed and thankful.  Praying that this medicine proves healing!  
For years we prayed for our future daughter in loves - knowing God would provide the special girl that would love Him and our sons!  The blessing of seeing the answer to all those prayers is such joy.  Our daughter in loves and their families are wonderful - we are so blessed and thankful.  

Sorry for the extended time away from the keyboard -- I have been sleeping more and chipping away at projects that just seem to multiply.  Decluttering is an ongoing task and having the energy to do projects, regular upkeep and play in the garden, travel and have guests has taken up my time.   I don't feel like there is much news to report -- the joy of the last PET scan has given me a bit of freedom which I have been enjoying as best I can.  We are so deeply thankful for this...

Life seems pretty normal except for this every other week intrusion that knocks me down...A friend asked me how I deal with the ongoingness of this...its' over a year now...Truthfully I try hard not to think about it...when I stop and think, it hurts and then I am in danger of a pity party.  I try hard to be thankful for whatever little bit I can do that seems normal and brings joy -- and I am so thankful for my cocktail of anti nausea meds that keep me going...
God is so in the center of this journey - I cannot really explain how reliant I am on Him, and yet how I fail to thank him enough...He is the joy and strength that carries us, even when we struggle with exhaustion.  He is the granter of all good gifts and we are so thankful for this reprieve-praying for another reprieve with the next PET scan!  

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save
He takes great delight in you.....and rejoices over you with singing.  Zeph 3:17

Thanks for the prayers - they keep us going and thanks so much for checkin' in!