Monday, September 25, 2017

Time Flies when you're having fun!

Cannot believe how long it has been since I posted - Have been living life!!!
Blessed to go to Montana and also to have another dear friend (kinda like my niece) visit!
Endured Chemo #9 last week
Feeling fair - chemo rougher due to a cold (my Montana souvenir!)
Spirits ok - 
Weight ok - struggling with dehydration
Sleep is ok - I don't skip many naps, but night sweats are a pain
Skin fragile but ok 
Hair continuing to fall out - mornings are very emotional as I get ready for the day!
    God has less to count these days (Luke 12:7 NCV) 
   God even knows how many hairs you have on your head
Mouth sores come and go - thankful for "magic mouthwash!" to control it
Runny nose, cough and congestion - just to add to the fun
Did not walk enough last 2 weeks but had a great time playing with our grand daughter before chemo and visiting with friends after.

I continue to marvel at the miracle that God has granted to me.  Two weeks ago, I got to spend time in beautiful Montana with our older son and his family and I spent far more time on the floor playing pretend
than I usually do (for some reason, that is not in my therapy repetoir - it should be!) I was thankful and amazed at how much flexibility I have despite the fact that I have not been doing any of my yoga for the past year!  It was a great opportunity to stretch muscles that I have not stretched in a while -- and to give thanks that I still had some muscles and flexibility!  There are those who would say that this is because I was so fit before (I'm good at fits!) however, I vividly remember how ill I was a year ago -- when I was not walking much and spend most of my steps going back and forth to the bathroom!  Yes, the body is designed to heal itself - but I believe the Healer was heavily involved in my case!  Thank you for praying for me!  I am where I am because so many banged on heavens gates!  Time is ever more precious... great to spend it playing pretend and giggling with her!

Another thing that got stretched was my brain cells --
coming up with pretend scenarios exersized areas of my brain that have been untapped in years!!!  Best part - she liked it!  It was a joy to get to be at the baby shower also - such fun peopIe!  I am so blessed to get time in their world!  Thank you for praying strength for me to be there!  A fantastic encouragement was to get to see some of the people who are praying for me in Montana...I am so blessed!  
This week was a fantastic reminder of why I am going thru the pain of chemo - and further to rejoice that it is working!!

My son was teasing me about my major "fear of missing out" on anything- but when you realize that you have far less opportunities to than you thought, it suddenly becomes even more important to do all you can with the limited time you have left.  It was great to be able to help our daughter-in-love to arrange the nursery, sort clothes, toys and books and in general be in her world.  It did my servant heart to be able to help out - and I was further blessed and amazed by the energy that God granted to me to enjoy it!  Yay God!  

Chemo 9 was on Tuesday - and it went ok -- They administered the anti nausea slightly differently, so rather than falling into a deep deep sleep for 2 hours, I dozed.  Then I dozed when I got home, and all evening and then woke up at 2 a.m. wide awake....It kind of threw everything off.  Having a nasty gross cold did not help either!  
I am continuing to struggle more with nausea and for longer.  In the past the one anti nausea pill would work 98% of the time with an occasional booster of a different kind of anti nausea medicine.  This time, I got a third kind of anti nausea medicine and have used it several times in addition to the #2 booster...

I confess, it makes me a little bit  edgy-nervous-concerned, to see how each chemo is a bit harder, and takes me a little longer to bounce back.  With only 2 weeks between times to "heal" there really is not much time to work on getting stronger.  It stands firmly in God's hands and I trust him and try hard to shove scary doubts out of my head. Having company come was a fantastic distraction!   
Bet you wondered if you would hear about my hair!  Well in an effort to not disappoint, I have to say, 
my hair keeps getting harder for me emotionally as it is  still falling out...I know you must think I am almost bald by now - well - guess what? not quite, but you are pretty close.  I can still get away with not wearing a hat, but it's clear I have something going on,    Last week a friend went with me to the wig boutique just to explore options.  Not sure how I feel about this, tho I was pleasantly surprised at how nice they were.  Another friend was so helpful talking with me about scarves and options etc.   I still need to do more hunting, but the fact of the matter is that the docs  say that you may experience thinning, but after you are done, your hair will grow back....except that I am unfortunately on chemo for life, which means I won't get the regrowth option.....
Underneath the words of the last paragraph are lots of tears and lots of emotions...Last time around, my hair thinned, but I have lost about 4 x more hair than I did last time!  It is only hair, but it is also sad/ upsetting.  
Then there is the question of do I shave my head? be twins with Todd? ugh - so hard to think about....
Feel free to message me if you have thoughts/opinions/insights - but pls be patient if you don't hear back right away - thanks!

Along those lines, it was very emotional this week, to commend to the Lord a fine man who served faithfully at our church in St. Louis. He had battled bladder cancer and beaten it into submission, but it roared back and claimed his life.  His beautiful wife was one of those women that I look up to as a wonderful role model and teacher.  After 49 years together, I know that she leans completely on God to get her through losing her best friend.  Many weep with her - me included - often...

This brings me to my biggest prayer request - Please pray that I not become immune to the IV chemo like I did the low dose chemo.  Pray that the cancer cells continue to respond properly to the chemo and that I am able to bounce back and build strength between each round....

Jehovah Rapha - The Lord my healer -- has blessed us immeasurably...
Thankful for God who blesses me with life events that may seem ordinary, but are not when you days are limited
for your prayers, your friendship
for the antics, laughter, and snuggles of our grand daughter
for our extended family whether by blood, marriage or faith
for Todd who makes trips and events happen for me - so blessed!
for an opportunity to serve God by listening to and praying for friends
for the start of bible study - missed my Tuesday morning friends!
for anti nausea drugs
for wigs and the kind lady that helped me
for friends who have walked this path and share tips and tricks
for God holding me up through it all
for friends who visit and provide much needed distraction
for friends who drive me everywhere
for decongestant and kleenex
for the tiny volunteer-made pillow that cushions the seatbelt where it presses on my port and hurts
for cucumber lemonade that tastes decent when water makes me gag
for magic mouth wash
for hummingbirds, flowers, fountains and my fantastic husband who tends it all to bring me joy
for potatoes still tasting ok even when nauseated 
for energy to keep fighting this battle
for you all for blessing us with your prayers and love

We love y'all! Thanks for checkin' in!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Giving and taking....

Hope ya'll had a nice break from your labor over the weekend!  

Chemo #8 complete - got disconnected and got hydration today! 
Thankful for my friends that drive me and pick me up...
Weight holding, though it is in different places than it used to be -LOL
Still walking - 2-4 miles/ day 6 days a week, on my off week- I count my steps and that ups the total, which helps!
Hair is continuing to thin rapidly- investigating a cold cap
Mouth sores are acting up - today used magic mouth wash for the first time during the day and the sores seem to be heading 
                                                                            down my throat....
Nausea is hitting earlier than it used to - pretty much from Tuesday on...
Digestion is ok - upset stomach means eat...
Found a recipe for Cucumber Mint Lemonade that really helps me to drink 
Nupogen shot to build blood cells is giving me body and head aches  :( it's working tho!
Emotions are on high alert - tears imminent at any moment due to feeling yucky
Bed and Breakfast still in business :) great to see people!
Great word picture of how I feel from a fellow colon cancer patient.  She said that when you are on your chemo, "you feel pregnant, drunk and hung over all at once."  So very true...

I am taken aback at how unhappy or upset I get about my hair falling out.  It's just hair --
One of the verses that has been rolling around in my head a lot is from Job 1:21  --The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” 
Am I still able to "bless the name of the Lord" even when He takes things away from me?  It's hard when faced with a bowl full of hair and when I work to make the thin, fuzziness look better.  Just writing makes tears come to my eyes -- and yet when I pull out handful after handful, I force myself to thank God (to bless him )that the chemo is working and swallow my tears. (Todd was helpful in helping me look at it that way!). Balding beats the options!  

On the subject of giving and taking away - A dear friend gave me a pair of sterling silver hoop earrings and they were not to big, and not too small - they were "just right."  Somewhere, I lost one and tho it is no big deal, it continues to make me sad because I wore them all the time because they were "just right" and they reminded me of my friend.  Do I have the guts to thank God for her kind gesture and just move on?  I know it is what I should do, but having wallowing at my pity party is so tempting...   

This weekend we were super blessed by a friend of Olu.  Their family has a home up on a bluff overlooking the ocean - a beautifully gorgeous place - and it was available for the weekend and they offered it to us!  We were so excited!  We love the beach, but do not go a lot -- we have not perfected how to "play" well.  We work well, but don't play very well. haha!  Anyway, we made it down there for sunset on Friday and had a fantastic weekend full of R &R - lots of walking, naps and staring at the water.  It was so therapeutic!  In addition to their gracious offer, they left me a wonderful concoction for strawberry/blueberry/mint infused water.  It was so wonderful to drink water that tasted good!.  They also invited us for brunch serving a lovely meal that lined up with my diet!  So grateful for their thoughtfulness!  
We continue to be amazed and how God blesses us over and over!  It is easy to bless the Lord over this one!  This was something we could never have done without their generous offer!  So blessed and thankful!

While we were away, I struggled with really achy legs and hips. (Sad when you want to walk on the beach!)  Thankful to discover that this was a result of the nupogen shot -- It's easy to bless the Lord over this - especially when we thought I might be getting sick, which would delay chemo. 

Thank you for your prayers!  They are the reason that I am doing so well!  There is no other explanation, unless you want to go with the "the doctor is right - the chemo is working" theory.  However, that does not explain how I am able to function at such a high level.  It has to be the prayers!  We are so blessed and thankful for you walking this path with us.  

Praying for the Texans that will have no end to labor for a really long time....! 
Thankful for all the people that have stepped up and are working hard to help in whatever 
     way that they can!  
Praying for the Montana folks and all those in the NorthWest who are living in a constant
     state of horrible air quality.
Praying for those who are in the path of Irma, that if they need to leave that they can, and 
     if they stay, that they are protected and safe.  
Praying that Irma hooks East and heads out to sea...
Praying for so many families torn asunder by all kinds of awful things...

Blessed by small things like watching a pair of hawks wheel across the sky
Like catching a baby lizard who got into our house and realizing how cute they really are
Like a fresh bloom on a flower
Like 5 bluebirds playing in my fountain
Like friends who offer us everything from weekends away, to a cold cap, to a meal, to the
      precious prayers
Thanks for carrying us in prayer -you are a blessing to us! Thanks for checkin in!