Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blessed with Energy that I used to take for Granted!

Side effects are minimal - hands tingly/cracking - painful mouth sores - but mostly manageable
Still not sleeping really well -- still not typing very well
Closing the  care calendar - 

I am so thankful to say that I have had a good amount of energy.  I have been able to do some cleaning and try to catch up on all that has slid.  Because of this energy, we are going to close the care calendar.  
We are so profoundly thankful to all of you who have helped me with meals, rides and some cleaning.  We received meals from the middle of November until the end of March - 3 meals a week!!! My Bible Study friends picked me up and dropped me off - from Brookfield from about Thanksgiving until last week.   I cannot believe how many people pitched in  to help us.   It has been such a blessing to receive the meals and be able to attend Bible Study and see my friends.  We ate so much better and stayed more sane because of your loving care.  
Because of my energy level tho, I do not need as much help as I did before and 
I want to free you up to bless someone else who needs it.  
As I look at the list I am blown away by all the helpers. Thank you to each one of you!  You were such a blessing! 

Eph 1:16 I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers

Gen 12:2  I have blessed you....
                      and you will be a blessing....

Thank you that I was the recipient of those blessings!  

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