Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Doing well - sitting in the garden in the late afternoon
sun - giving thanks for this option.
PET scan tomorrow - prayers please!
Diarrhea still an issue - :(
Protocols everyday for portions of the day
Staff is wonderful-  
Worship every day
Thankful to be here

As we debated coming here, even back in June -- we asked God to close the door if it was not what we were to do.  We talked to people who might be able to shed light -- we kept crying out to God and trying to listen to Him through the confusion.  That is so hard to do when your world is upside down but Jer 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know."  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and he answers.   Sometimes he has to give you pain in your gut to "get" the answer - oh how I wish I were not such a slow student!  But thankfully, he does answer - and hopefully next time I will hear more quickly!

I did not know what to expect and came on blind faith and the Father's leading.  We've been very pleasantly surprised.  The Oasis of Hope Hospital is in an urban area which is not a tourist area, so if you go outside of the hospital, it is unlikely that you will find english spoken. The hospital itself is nice!  They are renovating a floor of it and according to one lady who has been here 4 times now, they are always renovating something.  Guess that is what you have to do with a 50+ year old building!  While it has a nurses station, it also has a concierge, driver and chefs.   It is a unique blend of hospital, hotel and retreat center.  The spirit of this place is peaceful and God filled -- it is hard to describe - I'll work on words to say more about this. 

The doctors are all fluently bi-lingual, and some of the nursing staff is fluent - and some is more on the basic side of bi-lingual.   Everyone here has an energy about them -- they are pretty excited about what they do!   

Yesterday, Monday I had two cleanses (coffee enemas) and 1 mineral replenishment infusion.  Depending on a person's sensitivity to potassium, that infusion can take 3 -6  hours.  Because I am such a tender, delicate flower (ha!) it took me 6.  By the time I was finished, the vein in my fore arm felt bruised and sensitive.  It seems that after any infusion, a nap is what this girl needs!  After my nap yesterday, I felt really good.  

Today I had an ozone and UV light treatment on my blood.  They withdraw the blood, put it through an ozone machine and re-infuse it sending it through a UV light machine.  The ozone introduces more oxygen to the blood.  Cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen.  The ultraviolet light "cleans" my blood the way a UV toothbrush holder cleans a toothbrush - killing off the bad stuff and keeping the good stuff.   It took about 1/2 an hour.  

Then I went to the infusion room for IV vitamin C, K, B-17 and I cannot remember what else.  Several pills of pentoxifline went with all that to help activate the anti-cancer effect.  All that took about 2-2.5 hours.  Then lunch and - you guessed it - a nap!  

Because of my diarrhea, they have removed all the nutriceuticals from my diet.  Most patients pick up their box of pills each morning -- I"m special -- I just get my diarrhea meds and my pain medicine.  The Doctor speculates that the growth is constricting the colon, which causes it to work harder to push the food past the constriction.  Perhaps this is the cause of my intestinal upset -- I don't know.  I am profoundly thankful for the homeopathic medicine which controls the diarrhea pretty quickly.  

Wifi has been pretty good - Todd has been able to work "part-time" - haha... Hopefully I'll be able to upload pictures -- I can receive text messages but am more limited on my sending.  Thank you for all the lovely messages and posts.  They mean so much!  

The big surprise for us has been the spirituality of Oasis of Hope Hospital.  They talk on the website about daily devotions  and worship, but I did not really pay much attention to that--other than making note that they were Christian.   What has been so surprising is the worship -- very contemplative with good, inspiring music.  Both days so far they have talked about the possibility of miracles and praying for miracles for each other!  When you need a miracle, it is such a blessing to pray for miracles for each other!  

The people that are here as patients seem to mostly be people of faith.  They come from all over the globe - Ireland, Russia, UK, Australia, France - there are Asians, Hispanics and Americans.  There seems to be about 20-25 patients here now.  There are no stage 3's that I have talked to - all stage 4 - and 2 returning patients that I know of.  There is only 1 other colon cancer patient.  The ages range from 19 up to 76- tho they are not the majority.  The comaraderie is very strong - staring death in the face breaks down pretense and people are quick to become friends, share stories and encourage each other.  That is an intangible that I had not expected.  While doing chemo, tho often you would sit near people repeatedly, there was not a sense of comaraderei.   We were each in our own bubble of misery and so sapped of strength that no one became friends.  The encouragement that we gain here, by hearing others' stories and challenges is healing and encouraging.    

I will try not to carry on too much about the food -but y'all know how much I love to eat!!! It is vegetarian and it is fabulous!  Because of my diarreha, I ask what is in everything and it is amazing how they can take seeds and beans, change the texture, and make them taste amazing.  Last night they served brownies made from black beans and cocoa that were wonderful!  Each meal has unusual entrees that are tasty, satisfying and yummy!  A great souvenir is that they will e-mail us recipes!!! I have eaten more here than I have in the last months. Not doing the prep work I am sure is great seasoning!  Even with the diarrhea, I gained 2 pounds -- we'll see if it lasts, but it is fun to rejoice in the small things!  

Tomorrow I have a PET scan at 12:30 in San Diego.  We have to leave at 9:30 because of the boarder crossing being a wild card.  Another lady is also having a PET right after me, so we will not be back until 3:30, best case and then will meet with the Doctors.- I believe to get results.    And - yes, fasting is required!   They are sending some healthy food along, but - glad I got 2 extra pounds! 

Prayers are appreciated that the cancer has not spread and is confined to the ureter.....

Yes, I can see a light that is coming
For the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You


My heart is overflowing with gratitude that I can be here.  I am praying that this is the miracle that God had planned all the way along.....

Thankful for my all my doctors and nurses, for my family and friends all over the country - 
For God's steadfastness carrying me into an uncertain future.  

Tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me..
     Ps 23

Thanks for checkin in and for makin' that shadow just a bit less dark by being with us--praying with us!  


  1. Stay strong. Think about you all the time. Sounds like a similar program to my dad's. Only he went to Germany for a month of treatment. Praying for you and your family!

  2. Checking in and weeping tears of hope and praise for your words. God is almighty. Prayers with you and Todd.

  3. Hi Christine, I don't know if you remember me but I know how much you mean to friends at BLC. Also I work for LUMIN Schools on which Todd served on the Board. Therefore I have been keeping up with your journey and sharing prayer requests with your BLC and LUMIN families. I am so impressed by your knowledge of God's Word, giving an answer for every situation. You are in my prayers without ceasing. God's blessings on your time at Oasis of Hope! Love, Tara 2 Thes 3:16

  4. Hi Christine, I don't know if you remember me but I know how much you mean to friends at BLC. Also I work for LUMIN Schools on which Todd served on the Board. Therefore I have been keeping up with your journey and sharing prayer requests with your BLC and LUMIN families. I am so impressed by your knowledge of God's Word, giving an answer for every situation. You are in my prayers without ceasing. God's blessings on your time at Oasis of Hope! Love, Tara 2 Thes 3:16

  5. Hello my friend, Just as our Lord God went before the entire nation of Israel and dried up the waters of The Jordan and the Red Sea so that they could safely cross over, (Josh 4.23), He is going before you. Many prayers for you & Todd. Love you!

  6. Sending love, Christine! Keep the faith! Keep the hope! May healing, nourishing, peaceful light be with you. Thoughts and prayers with you always.
    Love, Katie

  7. Christine, praying for your procedure this morning. Such a blessing that Todd is by your side and Jesus is carrying you through this journey. So glad that you're in such a loving, caring environment with people that can truly relate to what you're going through. God's blessings and hugs from me.
