Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter! He is Risen!!

Feeling a bit better-
Cold/cough is persistent
Continuing research - it's complex! 

Trying to get strong again-

Lines from a favorite hymm were more poignant this year...

I know that my Redeemer lives.  

What comfort this sweet sentence gives!.....
He lives and grants me daily breath. 

He lives, and I shall conquer death.
He lives my mansion to prepare.  

He lives to bring me safely there....
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: 

"I know that my Redeemer lives!"

Could not help but wonder 

how many Easters before I am "safely there"
(Not trying to be dramatic- just honest..)

Over the last few days I have realized that I really have to summon my inner warrior and give her some motivational speeches. It is so easy to wallow in self pity and fear-and especially when you don't feel good for a extended period of time. The devil messes with my head and suddenly I am wondering whether it is really a cold or if I'm so tired because the cancer's growing  again. My inner whimp becomes strong so quickly!
Praying I can strengthen my warrior in God to fight this off!

A lovely sign of God's love for me he knows I love to garden and that I have not been very successful (gardening here, with a drought, is a whole different deal!) This bougainvillea was a housewarming gift 3 years ago.  I have almost killed it several times.  This is the first blooms since I received it - to celebrate Easter!!  I took it as God saying, "See, I can make your semi-dead plant bloom -- trust me!  I'll take care of you!"

Thankful for Christ's ultimate sacrifice, his victory over the grave and his great love for us!

Thanks for checkin' in!

1 comment:

  1. Your words combined with your scripture selection has helped me to stay strong as well. So you are always keeping the the battle fire burning strong! You are a blessing Chris. Love you.
