Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Remembering and thankful - Better than last time

New nausea meds help!  Made it to Bible Study!  (thanks to my drivers!) weary though.

I am thankful to say that the nausea has held off until tonight, which is longer than last time.  It is starting to act up a bit now.  
The tingly, painful fingers have continued -- I took one of those "hot hands" hand warmers with me to bible study today and kept my mittens on most of the day and that has helped. Typing with mittens doesn't work tho! ;) Also I keep dropping things -my handwriting is illegible! 
I have been blessed with somewhat more energy today than I had last time.  Still took a long nap and haven't walked today tho.   Thankful that it is a bit easier so far compared to last time.

I received this quote from Max Lucado's Fearless  in an e mail and thought it was wonderful - following the theme from yesterday of God going before me.

"But it is in storms that He does His finest work, for it is in storms that He has our keenest attention.  We cannot go where God is not.  Look over your shoulder; that's God following you.  Look into the storm;  that's Christ coming toward you. 
You will never face the future without God's help.  You have a travel companion.
When you place your faith in Christ, Christ places his Spirit before, behind, and within you.  Not a strange spirit, but the same Spirit:  the parakletos.  As Jesus sends you into new seasons, He sends His counselor to go with you.
 God never sends you out alone.  Heaven's message for you is clear:  when everything else changes, God's presence never does.  You journey in the company of the Holy Spirit." 
 "the Holy Sprit intercedes for us with groanings that can't even be uttered."  Romans 8:26

Several of my Bible Study buddies and I were talking about remembering the bad times that we go through and how important it is to remember the awful stuff of our lives.  
The first line of this quote nails it- 
In the storms He does his finest work-has our keenest attention.....

In the storms we cling the tightest to Him and we see His provision.  
If we don't work to remember those dark times, they will fade into our distant memory.  By consciously remembering those dark times, we remember also how he delivered us out of them -- how He lead us to quiet waters and restored our souls. 
 Do I really want to forget the valley of the shadow of death? 
 How he quieted my panic? 
 How he provided for me? 
 How he delivered me?  
 How my cup overflowed with blessings in the midst of trouble? 
Every time I remember how often he has delivered me, it gives me comfort, hope and courage that he will do it again!  It motivates me to "dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  (from Ps 23) 

Remember and be thankful!

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