Saturday, April 30, 2016

Getting into a routine with this complex protocol

Appointment made to remove stint -- 5-9
lost 2 pounds :( 
increased to 2 protein shakes/day plus 3 meals
walking at least 2 miles a day faithfully 

The urologist said that there may be some constriction in the ureter after we remove the stint.  The only way to know is to remove it and try.  If the pain returns, then we'll have to do a CT scan to see what is up.  Praying everything is nice and normal - and looking forward to getting it removed!

I continue to learn.  The laser therapist has me wearing 2 amulets now that help to stabilize my system against the electrical fields that I move through.  The body is supposed to be at a certain hertz (I think 635 - but not sure about that).  As you come in contact with cell phones, wifi, electric cars, cell towers and microwaves -- these all have the potential of throwing off your electricity.  This then results in your body being "off"  and can cause your immune system to not work properly--particularly over a long period of time. This can cause your immune system to not function properly.  Most people are in that situation because most people don't know about your body having electricity and these effects. 

Trivia - Regarding Electricity
Home Depot has a huge, powerful wifi system reaching out into the parking lot to accommodate the contractors.
When using your cell phone - use speaker or headset
Don't keep your cell phone in your pocket - a belt clip is better
Regarding Breathing - if you lie on your back, you cannot breath incorrectly.  you can only breathe fully and correctly!  (This from a friend who taught singing!)

A question I received -
Why are you putting Frankincense on the roof of your mouth? 
One of the survivors on the Truth about Cancer did that and my bottle does not drop well to put it under my tongue.  That being said, it may not do a thing!  The active cancer fighting ingredient seems to be boswellic acid which is not necessarily found in frankencense EO.  When I went to the Young Living site, it lists only oil, no acid.  So - it may be a waste of effort - not sure.  It also says do not take internally - which just goes to show you find many opposing opinions on everything!  

So there is your learning for the day :)

The thing that I like the best about fighting my cancer cells this way is that I am completely dependent on God's provision.  There is no man made cure dripping into my veins.  When this whole conglomeration of protocols that I am doing, is shown to be keeping the cancer in check, we will not be able to say --"see - it was the curcumin - that's what did it!" or "The frankincense was the answer!"  We will only be able to say -- 
"See God did it!"  and we will be thankful!!

          Call on me in the day of trouble --
              I will deliver you, and you will honor me! Ps 50:15

And if this fails to keep the cancer in check and God calls me home earlier than I wanted -- He is still an awesome, loving and faithful God and He will provide a way through that.  We just will not understand.  

          "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
              neither are your ways my ways,"  declares the Lord Is 55:8

Either way, I am so thankful.  Tho this is time consuming and somewhat complicatedI feel like myself (just a little weak)-- with enough energy to accomplish all the healthy things I'm supposed to do each day!  

          Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer....Rom 12:12

Hanging on to Him is how He likes us to be!  

Thankful for
feeling the effects of the "emotional-trauma-release"
strength to attend evening events with Todd (normal feels so good!)
the beautiful weather
a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips when I need to research 
discernment to vet the sources of the research
beautiful organic food (Russian Kale with purple edges!)
Todd unclogging a pipe that was under the slab!  
Paul coming to visit for a few days

Enjoy your weekends!  Take time to rest -- it renews both your body and your spirit!
Thanks for checkin in!  Y'all are a blessing to us!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the details. I think it's fascinating to learn about all of the things that affect our health. I'm praying for you! Not sure if you have heard of it but I think the book changing normal would be a great one for you. I heard Marilu and her husband on the radio the other day and one tiny thing she said led me to something that made a significant health change for my son. You never know where God will guide us!
