Thursday, April 14, 2016

City of Hope...

City of Hope suggested adding radiation to the protocol and changing the chemo to Xeloda, among other things
Weight holding - 
had blood draw for new integrative Dr. -at least 14 vials!!!
living life~ in between research

City of Hope offered several options - all variations on the chemo theme.  However, for each thing that he said, he had a disclaimer that there was not really evidence that it would make a big difference.... This happened at least 3 times - maybe more. 
Because of it being so far away, I wouldn't seek treatment there but perhaps will talk over the recommendations with my onco -- though I am not feeling peaceful about any of his recommendations.  Will put it to prayer...

On another note - I hope y'all are watching the Truth about Cancer... 
Each episode is available until the next night.  You can watch/listen on your phone while you wait wherever you are! Did that yesterday while I waited 2 hours for a blood draw!  
As the grand daughter of 2 chiropractors who practiced in the depression and the great grand daughter of a homeopathic healer in Germany during WWI and II, as well as a cancer patient, this is hugely interesting to me.  

Please please listen with an open mind -- You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

While alternative therapies may not be for everyone, I do think that everyone should have a chance to choose among options - not have it dictated to them.  Here's a chance to learn what is available besides chemo and radiation, and the history behind them.

Thankful for gorgeous weather
friends - both near and far - and all the love that has poured out
scripture verses to calm an anxious heart
being strong enough to go to events and enjoy them

     I am so thankful for all of you --Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. As I read your comments on weighing options - my wife (now studying nursing!) has always felt that western med needs to be balanced with alternative paths.
    I'm also reminded of Charles Spurgeon. Apparently he once said "Of the lesser of 2 evils, choose neither." Don't know if that helps you, other than to carefully consider what "they" say, and what your goals are.
