Appointment made to remove stint -- 5-9
lost 2 pounds :(
increased to 2 protein shakes/day plus 3 meals
walking at least 2 miles a day faithfully
The urologist said that there may be some constriction in the ureter after we remove the stint. The only way to know is to remove it and try. If the pain returns, then we'll have to do a CT scan to see what is up. Praying everything is nice and normal - and looking forward to getting it removed!
I continue to learn. The laser therapist has me wearing 2 amulets now that help to stabilize my system against the electrical fields that I move through. The body is supposed to be at a certain hertz (I think 635 - but not sure about that). As you come in contact with cell phones, wifi, electric cars, cell towers and microwaves -- these all have the potential of throwing off your electricity. This then results in your body being "off" and can cause your immune system to not work properly--particularly over a long period of time. This can cause your immune system to not function properly. Most people are in that situation because most people don't know about your body having electricity and these effects.
Trivia - Regarding Electricity
Home Depot has a huge, powerful wifi system reaching out into the parking lot to accommodate the contractors.
When using your cell phone - use speaker or headset
Don't keep your cell phone in your pocket - a belt clip is better
Regarding Breathing - if you lie on your back, you cannot breath incorrectly. you can only breathe fully and correctly! (This from a friend who taught singing!)
A question I received -
Why are you putting Frankincense on the roof of your mouth?
One of the survivors on the Truth about Cancer did that and my bottle does not drop well to put it under my tongue. That being said, it may not do a thing! The active cancer fighting ingredient seems to be boswellic acid which is not necessarily found in frankencense EO. When I went to the Young Living site, it lists only oil, no acid. So - it may be a waste of effort - not sure. It also says do not take internally - which just goes to show you find many opposing opinions on everything!
So there is your learning for the day :)
The thing that I like the best about fighting my cancer cells this way is that I am completely dependent on God's provision. There is no man made cure dripping into my veins. When this whole conglomeration of protocols that I am doing, is shown to be keeping the cancer in check, we will not be able to say --"see - it was the curcumin - that's what did it!" or "The frankincense was the answer!" We will only be able to say --
"See God did it!" and we will be thankful!!
Call on me in the day of trouble --
I will deliver you, and you will honor me! Ps 50:15
And if this fails to keep the cancer in check and God calls me home earlier than I wanted -- He is still an awesome, loving and faithful God and He will provide a way through that. We just will not understand.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord Is 55:8
Either way, I am so thankful. Tho this is time consuming and somewhat complicated, I feel like myself (just a little weak)-- with enough energy to accomplish all the healthy things I'm supposed to do each day!
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer....Rom 12:12
Hanging on to Him is how He likes us to be!
Thankful for
feeling the effects of the "emotional-trauma-release"
strength to attend evening events with Todd (normal feels so good!)
the beautiful weather
a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips when I need to research
discernment to vet the sources of the research
beautiful organic food (Russian Kale with purple edges!)
Todd unclogging a pipe that was under the slab!
Paul coming to visit for a few days
Enjoy your weekends! Take time to rest -- it renews both your body and your spirit!
Thanks for checkin in! Y'all are a blessing to us!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I look fine - so do you!
Energy steady (mornings are still slow)
Continuing cold laser therapy a couple times a week

When people see me, they are so surprised. I don't look like you would expect someone who has stage IV cancer to look. I look just fine - normal - not sick like you would expect!
So - How do you look?
I am betting you look fine! Looks are deceiving tho -- All may not be "fine" within you!
Please do not skip your colonoscopy!
Not one of the doctors that I saw the first time around thought that it was really anything bad -- and it came back Stage III! A colonoscopy is better than surgery!! The prep is not that bad - you can do it! A little two ply toilet paper and you are good to go!! (no pun intended - LOL)
If you have not had a scope - go make the appointment! It is very important!
Several of you have sent me questions --
Is Todd doing the diet with me?
He gets to eat up all the food that we have in the house and then says that he will eat the
way that I am eating now.
What brands of supplements am I taking?
My whole protein shake is by Garden of Life. Source Naturals is the brand of the
supplements I got at the health food store. Young Living is my Frankincense. Other
manufacturers are Pharmanex, QOL labs, Ortho Molecular Products and Metagenics.
Do you need special coffee for enemas?
You can use any caffeinated organic coffee - however the most effective detoxer is a
"green" coffee most easily found on the internet.
So what exactly does the cold laser therapy do?
In my case, it is used to kill candida, strengthen my adrenals, strengthen my immune
system, detox and also for emotional trauma release. If you google cold laser therapy, and
do not find this list, don't be too surprised. Most laser therapists do not do the emotional
release because it is too hard to substantiate the claim. My therapist does not advertise
that he does this - but he knows it works and wants to help people. I am blessed! It works!
Very thankful
that my energy seems to be holding and not just a "good day"
for how beautiful it is this time of year
to be able to adjust my life and hopefully get a better chance to tame this beast
for family and friends - their love, care, tips and hints
for funny lizards that make me laugh
for an alternative to chemo
for good screening tests that are available to almost everyone
pure water
for delicious, organic vegetables
for losing my craving for sweets
for waking up each day
that I can answer questions and help people understand what this journey is like --that way
they can understand better when others go through something similar
Thanks for checkin in - may you bless others each day!
Continuing cold laser therapy a couple times a week
When people see me, they are so surprised. I don't look like you would expect someone who has stage IV cancer to look. I look just fine - normal - not sick like you would expect!
So - How do you look?
I am betting you look fine! Looks are deceiving tho -- All may not be "fine" within you!
Please do not skip your colonoscopy!
Not one of the doctors that I saw the first time around thought that it was really anything bad -- and it came back Stage III! A colonoscopy is better than surgery!! The prep is not that bad - you can do it! A little two ply toilet paper and you are good to go!! (no pun intended - LOL)
If you have not had a scope - go make the appointment! It is very important!
Several of you have sent me questions --
Is Todd doing the diet with me?
He gets to eat up all the food that we have in the house and then says that he will eat the
way that I am eating now.
What brands of supplements am I taking?
My whole protein shake is by Garden of Life. Source Naturals is the brand of the
supplements I got at the health food store. Young Living is my Frankincense. Other
manufacturers are Pharmanex, QOL labs, Ortho Molecular Products and Metagenics.
Do you need special coffee for enemas?
You can use any caffeinated organic coffee - however the most effective detoxer is a
"green" coffee most easily found on the internet.
So what exactly does the cold laser therapy do?
In my case, it is used to kill candida, strengthen my adrenals, strengthen my immune
system, detox and also for emotional trauma release. If you google cold laser therapy, and
do not find this list, don't be too surprised. Most laser therapists do not do the emotional
release because it is too hard to substantiate the claim. My therapist does not advertise
that he does this - but he knows it works and wants to help people. I am blessed! It works!
Very thankful
that my energy seems to be holding and not just a "good day"
for how beautiful it is this time of year
to be able to adjust my life and hopefully get a better chance to tame this beast
for family and friends - their love, care, tips and hints
for funny lizards that make me laugh
for an alternative to chemo
for good screening tests that are available to almost everyone
pure water
for delicious, organic vegetables
for losing my craving for sweets
for waking up each day
that I can answer questions and help people understand what this journey is like --that way
they can understand better when others go through something similar
Thanks for checkin in - may you bless others each day!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Energy - hoping it lasts!
My priority is detoxing, strengthening my immune system and gaining strength.
Friday was the first day I walked with a measure of strength.
That energy held through the weekend!
In addition to what I mentioned in the last post, there are several other things I am doing as well. I'm investigating going without wifi because the electrical field affects my electrical field adversely. Not sure I can do this tho...
The cold laser practitioner gave me an amulet to wear filled with chips of things like copper and obsidian to neutralize electric influences around me which have messed with my immune system. He says it is working because my electricity has held since he re-set it.
I also do foot baths probably 2 x a week
We bought a Brita water pitcher until we can get a reverse osmosis system.
After investigating fluoride, I now have a fluoride free toothpaste.
Lotion was a concern for me because I use it so often, all over. Thankfully, Sprouts had a nice selection that were free of parabens and other harmful things.
Just to lower the amount of toxins that could be getting in to my body, I have shifted to a mineral salt deodorant also.
Because meditation is not natural to me, I have been using the app Insight Minder. It is helping me learn to breath right, tho I still do not sit well :)

Thankful for:
my oncologist not firing me
walking without my muscles shaking
being energetic enough to clean out the garage
with Todd and not wear out 1/2 way through
getting up this morning w energy, not exhausted
beautiful weather
friends that share tips - like try bison!
Todd creating a yummy shake and bison burrito
(and many other delicious undocumented meals!)
realizing when I am whining

All weekend the song "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" was in my mind as I worked. It made me think how the waiting is preparation, and then there is work to do...
Praying that this energy is not just a flash in the pan, or a "good day" or two.
Thankful that I can catch myself getting fearful about not doing chemo -- and use scripture to combat it...
I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith(Heb 12:2) remember that He will fight for me and that I only need to be still (Ex 14:14) and know that He is GOD (Ps 46:10) and what is impossible with man is possible with God (Matt 19:26)
Thanks for checkin' in! Your prayers are my sustaining grace!
Friday was the first day I walked with a measure of strength.
That energy held through the weekend!
In addition to what I mentioned in the last post, there are several other things I am doing as well. I'm investigating going without wifi because the electrical field affects my electrical field adversely. Not sure I can do this tho...
The cold laser practitioner gave me an amulet to wear filled with chips of things like copper and obsidian to neutralize electric influences around me which have messed with my immune system. He says it is working because my electricity has held since he re-set it.
I also do foot baths probably 2 x a week
We bought a Brita water pitcher until we can get a reverse osmosis system.
After investigating fluoride, I now have a fluoride free toothpaste.
Lotion was a concern for me because I use it so often, all over. Thankfully, Sprouts had a nice selection that were free of parabens and other harmful things.
Just to lower the amount of toxins that could be getting in to my body, I have shifted to a mineral salt deodorant also.
Because meditation is not natural to me, I have been using the app Insight Minder. It is helping me learn to breath right, tho I still do not sit well :)
Thankful for:
my oncologist not firing me
walking without my muscles shaking
being energetic enough to clean out the garage
with Todd and not wear out 1/2 way through
getting up this morning w energy, not exhausted
beautiful weather
friends that share tips - like try bison!
Todd creating a yummy shake and bison burrito
(and many other delicious undocumented meals!)
realizing when I am whining
All weekend the song "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord" was in my mind as I worked. It made me think how the waiting is preparation, and then there is work to do...
Praying that this energy is not just a flash in the pan, or a "good day" or two.
Thankful that I can catch myself getting fearful about not doing chemo -- and use scripture to combat it...
I fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith(Heb 12:2) remember that He will fight for me and that I only need to be still (Ex 14:14) and know that He is GOD (Ps 46:10) and what is impossible with man is possible with God (Matt 19:26)
Thanks for checkin' in! Your prayers are my sustaining grace!
Friday, April 22, 2016
So what am I doing to keep my cancer in check?
Oncologist did not fire me :) she's not happy tho!
Weight holding
Energy somewhat more consistent
Had to re-draw some bloodwork
Moving forward with a plan
So - how am I really?
Thankful that the oncologist was willing to scan me "in a little bit." I told her I wanted to try a different approach - which she was not happy about. She was not unpleasant - I could just tell she was very concerned because "I've seen alternative therapy not turn out well."
Well I'm gonna change her paradigm - God willing!!!
Several people have asked when I start treatment or what I am doing. It is a little difficult to explain a total lifestyle change, so bear with me.
The goal is to detox my body and strengthen my immune system so that it can adequately fight off the cancer cells that may be floating around my system.
I am either removing things from my life or incorporating new practices into my life, that m
eet either one or the other of these two goals. Here is what I have so far - and I will add to it as I find more information.
3 times a day I take 10 drops from 3 bottles of the Desbio Complete Detox kit. It is a gentle, homeopathic protocol that detoxes 6 body systems: brain, spine, cellular matrix, colon, kidneys and lymph system. This is more complete and more gentle than many detoxes. The biggest side effect is tiredness.
I have been painfully transparent, and I won't stop now, but if you are easily shocked - skip this paragraph. Message me on Facebook if you have questions, because I have seen how well these work to speed the healing when you have the flue. Please remember that I was raised in the European and chiropractic tradition and this was quite common, going out of vogue only as western medicine labeled chiropractors as quacks. This is a very old protocol, dating back to the early 1900's. (Gerson) Daily, I do a coffee enema. The caffeine stimulates glutathione which opens the bile ducts and allows the liver to dump it's toxins. It is not painful, tho sometimes crampy and time consuming. For me, this is a special blessing because I am allergic to sulfa drugs and glutathione has sulfa - so I could not take it as a supplement- and it helps fight against cancer.
I take multiple supplements - some breakfast and dinner, some at lunch - one after breakfast and 2 at bed. In no special order and to give you a feel for what I am actively doing ---
Chlorophyll to detox heavy metals and for cell health
Modified citrus pectin - This modifies the cancer cell, removing its anchoring
mechanism so that it cannot hang on to a blood cell and begin to get nourishment.
Methyl B-12 to strengthen cell integrity
Omega 3 -for inflammation
Zinc - for immunity
dhea - for energy
Immunokinoko - to strenthen immunity
Tegreen - boost anti-oxidants
saccharomyces boulardii - for healthy yeast (to combat the candida)
And this is what they gave me before they saw my bloodwork! Can't wait to see what they add based on it!
In addition, I put one drop of Frankincense on my thumb and put it on the roof of my mouth 2 x daily,
15 minutes minimum in the sun with no sunscreen for vitamin D therapy
1 time a week spend at least 3 hours in nature [gardening counts :)]
Meditate 2 x a day (this is different than praying - the focus here is breathing rhythmically)
This is really hard for me- I do not sit well and my ADD brain distracts me. That is the
point of this exercise - to calm the inner noise and learn to manage stress. Yikes that is
so hard for me!
Walk every day at least for an hour- Well, I am not there yet on the every day part, but I do at least 1 mile every day.
Soon will come strength training.....
Last post I mentioned the cold laser therapy that is working on my candida and my adrenals, which are probably depleted (chemo does that - but the western docs do not tell you that) We will also work on my gut to increase the detoxification and to strengthen it.
The mind is powerful. There is a correlation between stress/trauma and illness. The Holistic Health Practitioner who does cold laser therapy, is helping me to conquer some challenges from my past. I have worked on them before (for 2 years at one point and 1 year at another point) but they still had a hold on me. He is helping me to conquer them!
(Note: not all people who provide cold laser therapy do this, or if they do, they may not advertise it because it is so difficult measure, and the certifying authorities would not like it. Trust me - it is amazing to see it work!)
My diet is totally changed. No gluten, no dairy, no sugar, (this means no wine, gin and tonics and little fruit due to sugar content - no cookies) no red meat, no grains, no processed food- everything organic - purified water-complete protein shakes to keep me from getting to skinny (love my ninja!)
Just have to remember to cut everything up the night before cause I am so hungry when I wake up! I eat 4 meals a day- veggies are not as filling!
Think about your diet...
I double dog dare you to do this! Message me if you are joining me!
Eating this way has greatly increased my prep time and hunting for ingredients -
In conjunction with adding things to my life, I am wrestling with what to remove from my life to reduce stress and create time for healing. This is really tough - and I do not have a conclusion as yet. Some days I am just too tired from the detoxing to do the scheduled things.
Soon will come simplifying our household...
So, this is what I am doing so far--
About 3-3.5 hours added to my day of things to do. Is it fun or convenient? nope but that's the only way I'll be able to keep those ugly little cells from taking over my life.
Thankful for:
good veins that make blood draws easy
Drs that listen
easy access to supplements
a good selection of organic products
beautiful weather
a weekend
I am trusting that verse that says
"The Lord will fight for you - you need only be still....(Ex 14:14)
and know that I am God(Ps 46:10)
Thanks for checkin' in! Have a great weekend!
Weight holding
Energy somewhat more consistent
Had to re-draw some bloodwork
Moving forward with a plan
So - how am I really?
Thankful that the oncologist was willing to scan me "in a little bit." I told her I wanted to try a different approach - which she was not happy about. She was not unpleasant - I could just tell she was very concerned because "I've seen alternative therapy not turn out well."
Well I'm gonna change her paradigm - God willing!!!
Several people have asked when I start treatment or what I am doing. It is a little difficult to explain a total lifestyle change, so bear with me.
The goal is to detox my body and strengthen my immune system so that it can adequately fight off the cancer cells that may be floating around my system.
I am either removing things from my life or incorporating new practices into my life, that m
eet either one or the other of these two goals. Here is what I have so far - and I will add to it as I find more information.
3 times a day I take 10 drops from 3 bottles of the Desbio Complete Detox kit. It is a gentle, homeopathic protocol that detoxes 6 body systems: brain, spine, cellular matrix, colon, kidneys and lymph system. This is more complete and more gentle than many detoxes. The biggest side effect is tiredness.
I have been painfully transparent, and I won't stop now, but if you are easily shocked - skip this paragraph. Message me on Facebook if you have questions, because I have seen how well these work to speed the healing when you have the flue. Please remember that I was raised in the European and chiropractic tradition and this was quite common, going out of vogue only as western medicine labeled chiropractors as quacks. This is a very old protocol, dating back to the early 1900's. (Gerson) Daily, I do a coffee enema. The caffeine stimulates glutathione which opens the bile ducts and allows the liver to dump it's toxins. It is not painful, tho sometimes crampy and time consuming. For me, this is a special blessing because I am allergic to sulfa drugs and glutathione has sulfa - so I could not take it as a supplement- and it helps fight against cancer.
I take multiple supplements - some breakfast and dinner, some at lunch - one after breakfast and 2 at bed. In no special order and to give you a feel for what I am actively doing ---
Chlorophyll to detox heavy metals and for cell health
Modified citrus pectin - This modifies the cancer cell, removing its anchoring
mechanism so that it cannot hang on to a blood cell and begin to get nourishment.
Methyl B-12 to strengthen cell integrity
Omega 3 -for inflammation
Zinc - for immunity
dhea - for energy
Immunokinoko - to strenthen immunity
Tegreen - boost anti-oxidants
saccharomyces boulardii - for healthy yeast (to combat the candida)
And this is what they gave me before they saw my bloodwork! Can't wait to see what they add based on it!
In addition, I put one drop of Frankincense on my thumb and put it on the roof of my mouth 2 x daily,
15 minutes minimum in the sun with no sunscreen for vitamin D therapy
1 time a week spend at least 3 hours in nature [gardening counts :)]
Meditate 2 x a day (this is different than praying - the focus here is breathing rhythmically)
This is really hard for me- I do not sit well and my ADD brain distracts me. That is the
point of this exercise - to calm the inner noise and learn to manage stress. Yikes that is
so hard for me!
Walk every day at least for an hour- Well, I am not there yet on the every day part, but I do at least 1 mile every day.
Soon will come strength training.....
Last post I mentioned the cold laser therapy that is working on my candida and my adrenals, which are probably depleted (chemo does that - but the western docs do not tell you that) We will also work on my gut to increase the detoxification and to strengthen it.
The mind is powerful. There is a correlation between stress/trauma and illness. The Holistic Health Practitioner who does cold laser therapy, is helping me to conquer some challenges from my past. I have worked on them before (for 2 years at one point and 1 year at another point) but they still had a hold on me. He is helping me to conquer them!
(Note: not all people who provide cold laser therapy do this, or if they do, they may not advertise it because it is so difficult measure, and the certifying authorities would not like it. Trust me - it is amazing to see it work!)
My diet is totally changed. No gluten, no dairy, no sugar, (this means no wine, gin and tonics and little fruit due to sugar content - no cookies) no red meat, no grains, no processed food- everything organic - purified water-complete protein shakes to keep me from getting to skinny (love my ninja!)
Just have to remember to cut everything up the night before cause I am so hungry when I wake up! I eat 4 meals a day- veggies are not as filling!
Think about your diet...
I double dog dare you to do this! Message me if you are joining me!
Eating this way has greatly increased my prep time and hunting for ingredients -
In conjunction with adding things to my life, I am wrestling with what to remove from my life to reduce stress and create time for healing. This is really tough - and I do not have a conclusion as yet. Some days I am just too tired from the detoxing to do the scheduled things.
Soon will come simplifying our household...
So, this is what I am doing so far--
About 3-3.5 hours added to my day of things to do. Is it fun or convenient? nope but that's the only way I'll be able to keep those ugly little cells from taking over my life.
Thankful for:
good veins that make blood draws easy
Drs that listen
easy access to supplements
a good selection of organic products
beautiful weather
a weekend
I am trusting that verse that says
"The Lord will fight for you - you need only be still....(Ex 14:14)
and know that I am God(Ps 46:10)
Thanks for checkin' in! Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Not giving up!
Not doing chemo does not mean giving up!
Cold laser therapy is easy and great!
Working on protocol(treatment) plan
I feel the need to clarify --
Not doing chemo means that I have decided against the chemo protocol for dealing with cancer. It does NOT mean that I am ordering my casket! It does not mean that I am not fighting this! It means that I am sifting through many, many alternative therapies and figuring out what the best ones for me are. When you go this route - you are much more involved in deciding what you are going to do than in Western medicine--and there are many more options to explore.
(if you are watching the Truth about Cancer -- that becomes so clear!)
Cancer happens because at some point your body becomes unable to fight off the cancer cells, and they get a foothold, furthering the sickness cycle. We all have issues in our bodies as a result of all the toxins in the environment, our unhealthy diets and our stress. Whether the cells develop into full blown cancer depends on the condition within our bodies.
In the world of alternative therapy - one must address many things-each thing that can be identified- to fight effectively. Not one single thing - but many things have caused the body to be out of sync.
With Western Medicine, it is straight forward. You have chemo and it kills (hopefully) all the cancer cells (as well as damaging other systems in the process.)
This treatment does not address the "why you got cancer in the first place" question. The alternative therapy does.
In my case, I now know that high antibiotic use as a child, diet (high meat and average sugar intake) coupled with stress and genetics probably combined to cause me to get cancer in the first place. After chemo tho, I did not change my lifestyle much. This meant that the environment was still ripe for cancer to settle down and grow. Thank you God that it caused pain so it delivered a wake up call rather than growing unnoticed!
It will take several things all working together to overhaul the environment within my body (my micro-biome) and make it unwelcoming to those cancer cells. Diet, exercise, meditation and detox are starting the process.
The cold laser therapy is working on several things regarding changing the micro-biome.
I have candida - yeast overgrowth from the small intestine. This is a nasty, common fungus. (sounds so gross - I hate even typing it!) The laser is able to treat it using electricity to vibrate the fungus cells and cause it to blow up. It will take several treatments to accomplish this.
It is also used to treat the mind-body connection, breaking unhealthy thought patterns, and enabling your body to spend energy on healing rather than on past wounds or memories. If this sounds hocus locus - it kind of is -- and they do not advertise that it does this because it's hard to document and the overseeing government authorities would not like it! I can attest tho that it has helped. He does a test with my thumb and ring finger to determine the severity of effect of the topic. Then he does the treatment and retests. It is absolutely amazing to see how my fingers are weak before and strong thereafter!! It is just one thing that I am doing to conquer this beast!
Thankful for
resources to learn
God guiding me and opening doors
my doctors, both western and holistic, and their genuine care for me
my family being supportive
organic food
cold lasers
being able to walk with strength rather than shaky limbs
the Truth about Cancer series
technology that keeps me connected to friends far away
prayers from all of you!
I thank my God every time I remember you, in all my prayers for all I you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel....Phil 1:3-5
Thanks for checking in -
Through it all, my eyes are on You!
Cold laser therapy is easy and great!
Working on protocol(treatment) plan
I feel the need to clarify --
Not doing chemo means that I have decided against the chemo protocol for dealing with cancer. It does NOT mean that I am ordering my casket! It does not mean that I am not fighting this! It means that I am sifting through many, many alternative therapies and figuring out what the best ones for me are. When you go this route - you are much more involved in deciding what you are going to do than in Western medicine--and there are many more options to explore.
(if you are watching the Truth about Cancer -- that becomes so clear!)
Cancer happens because at some point your body becomes unable to fight off the cancer cells, and they get a foothold, furthering the sickness cycle. We all have issues in our bodies as a result of all the toxins in the environment, our unhealthy diets and our stress. Whether the cells develop into full blown cancer depends on the condition within our bodies.
In the world of alternative therapy - one must address many things-each thing that can be identified- to fight effectively. Not one single thing - but many things have caused the body to be out of sync.
With Western Medicine, it is straight forward. You have chemo and it kills (hopefully) all the cancer cells (as well as damaging other systems in the process.)
This treatment does not address the "why you got cancer in the first place" question. The alternative therapy does.
In my case, I now know that high antibiotic use as a child, diet (high meat and average sugar intake) coupled with stress and genetics probably combined to cause me to get cancer in the first place. After chemo tho, I did not change my lifestyle much. This meant that the environment was still ripe for cancer to settle down and grow. Thank you God that it caused pain so it delivered a wake up call rather than growing unnoticed!
It will take several things all working together to overhaul the environment within my body (my micro-biome) and make it unwelcoming to those cancer cells. Diet, exercise, meditation and detox are starting the process.
The cold laser therapy is working on several things regarding changing the micro-biome.
I have candida - yeast overgrowth from the small intestine. This is a nasty, common fungus. (sounds so gross - I hate even typing it!) The laser is able to treat it using electricity to vibrate the fungus cells and cause it to blow up. It will take several treatments to accomplish this.
It is also used to treat the mind-body connection, breaking unhealthy thought patterns, and enabling your body to spend energy on healing rather than on past wounds or memories. If this sounds hocus locus - it kind of is -- and they do not advertise that it does this because it's hard to document and the overseeing government authorities would not like it! I can attest tho that it has helped. He does a test with my thumb and ring finger to determine the severity of effect of the topic. Then he does the treatment and retests. It is absolutely amazing to see how my fingers are weak before and strong thereafter!! It is just one thing that I am doing to conquer this beast!
Thankful for
resources to learn
God guiding me and opening doors
my doctors, both western and holistic, and their genuine care for me
my family being supportive
organic food
cold lasers
being able to walk with strength rather than shaky limbs
the Truth about Cancer series
technology that keeps me connected to friends far away
prayers from all of you!
I thank my God every time I remember you, in all my prayers for all I you,
I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel....Phil 1:3-5
Thanks for checking in -
Through it all, my eyes are on You!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Peaceful ....
Made a decision -
Weight holding (barely)
Still wear out easily
Stent discomfort discouraging me from exercise
Seeing holistic cold-laser-therapy doc on Monday
I believe that we all have a given number of days on this earth - "Our days may come to seventy years or eighty, if our strength endures;" Ps 90:10. Given the last few months, sadly, mine may be shorter than we originally thought. We all have God assignments (Eph 2:10) Until God tells me I am done working, I am going on the assumption that there is more for me to do this side of heaven.
With that mindset, we have considered that whatever the time frame is, spending 2/3 - 3/4 of it sick (best case) is not how I want to live my last days! Weighing into that decision are the facts that chemo does not kill off all the cancer stem cells (so it will be back) and it can alter the cancer cells and make them more aggressive. Instead, I am going to follow what has been my gut instinct since the very beginning. I am turning my life upside down. Obviously, the way I have been living has gotten my body to this "sick" state and I need to live in a healthier way -- detox a lot, eat better, cleaner food, sleep longer, explore the mind-body healing connection, manage stress better, laugh more and learn to play more. We all are going to die - I'd rather die this way, striving to live life more in line with the way He intended us to live, than with poison dripping into my body. It is a blessing to be able to choose -- many never get a choice.....
I have cancelled my port placement on Monday. We have an appointment with the oncologist on Wed. Hopefully, she will not "fire" me as her patient and will agree to scan me again down the road. Prayers appreciated for that conversation please, since clearly, good bloodwork means nothing for me! I'll continue researching alternative therapies and implementing the ones that make sense for me.
Not everyone will agree with this direction and some may be very upset. Many may think I am crazy! I understand -- this is contrary to what many people would do - to what I did last time! Either decision takes great courage. It is so difficult to make a decision like this - gut-wrenching really! The inevitable thing is death. I am praying that God grants my body healing and delays the inevitable.
If God was ever going to live up to his name, Jehovah-Rapha-The Lord who heals you - he will do it for me! Why? Because so many of you are pounding on heaven's gates, discussing me with Him! Thank you!!!
the opportunity to choose my treatment plan
God's peace accompanying our decision
the opportunity to do normal things like attend
events with Todd, FaceTime with the kids,
play in the garden or sort books at the thrift shop
all the research resources-ideas you've sent
the loving ongoing support from so many people-
farm fresh eggs
amazing, powerful prayers prayed over me
YOU - praying for me!
Thanks for checking in!
Does anyone besides me think it is God's timing that The Truth About Cancer is airing exactly over the weekend where I had to make this decision???
Thankful for this series~
Thursday, April 14, 2016
City of Hope...
City of Hope suggested adding radiation to the protocol and changing the chemo to Xeloda, among other things
Weight holding -
had blood draw for new integrative Dr. -at least 14 vials!!!
living life~ in between research
City of Hope offered several options - all variations on the chemo theme. However, for each thing that he said, he had a disclaimer that there was not really evidence that it would make a big difference.... This happened at least 3 times - maybe more.
Because of it being so far away, I wouldn't seek treatment there but perhaps will talk over the recommendations with my onco -- though I am not feeling peaceful about any of his recommendations. Will put it to prayer...
On another note - I hope y'all are watching the Truth about Cancer...
Each episode is available until the next night. You can watch/listen on your phone while you wait wherever you are! Did that yesterday while I waited 2 hours for a blood draw!
As the grand daughter of 2 chiropractors who practiced in the depression and the great grand daughter of a homeopathic healer in Germany during WWI and II, as well as a cancer patient, this is hugely interesting to me.
Please please listen with an open mind -- You have nothing to lose and much to gain.
While alternative therapies may not be for everyone, I do think that everyone should have a chance to choose among options - not have it dictated to them. Here's a chance to learn what is available besides chemo and radiation, and the history behind them.
Thankful for gorgeous weather
friends - both near and far - and all the love that has poured out
scripture verses to calm an anxious heart
being strong enough to go to events and enjoy them
I am so thankful for all of you --Thanks for checking in!
Weight holding -
had blood draw for new integrative Dr. -at least 14 vials!!!
living life~ in between research
City of Hope offered several options - all variations on the chemo theme. However, for each thing that he said, he had a disclaimer that there was not really evidence that it would make a big difference.... This happened at least 3 times - maybe more.
Because of it being so far away, I wouldn't seek treatment there but perhaps will talk over the recommendations with my onco -- though I am not feeling peaceful about any of his recommendations. Will put it to prayer...
On another note - I hope y'all are watching the Truth about Cancer...
Each episode is available until the next night. You can watch/listen on your phone while you wait wherever you are! Did that yesterday while I waited 2 hours for a blood draw!
As the grand daughter of 2 chiropractors who practiced in the depression and the great grand daughter of a homeopathic healer in Germany during WWI and II, as well as a cancer patient, this is hugely interesting to me.
Please please listen with an open mind -- You have nothing to lose and much to gain.
While alternative therapies may not be for everyone, I do think that everyone should have a chance to choose among options - not have it dictated to them. Here's a chance to learn what is available besides chemo and radiation, and the history behind them.
Thankful for gorgeous weather
friends - both near and far - and all the love that has poured out
scripture verses to calm an anxious heart
being strong enough to go to events and enjoy them
I am so thankful for all of you --Thanks for checking in!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Continuing to Explore Options and Living Life!
Had 2 appointments since the last post, that went very well.
Weight holding!! yay
Feeling good enough to do some social things, but still kinda weak.
Stress level still too high -
Please understand if I do not respond to you right away -- I have so very many cards, e-mails and texts that I am having trouble keeping up -- Thank you for understanding!
So how am I really?
I am cautiously, prayerfully optimistic.
As I re-read this - there are so many cool things that I left out - but here are the hi-lites:
The appointment with the nutritionist was interesting! She covered more than just nutrition and is a cancer survivor herself -- so she gets it. Spark notes version - she grilled me extensively about lifestyle and what I had been doing recently ( organic, no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, low meat) She took a drop of blood and put it up on a screen and showed me my blood cells. I did not realize that the oncologist looks only at the quantity of various things in my blood. This doc was looking at the quality of my blood. Interesting to say the least! She could pinpoint weaknesses in my cells and explain what to take to strengthen them and thereby my immune system. She showed me the toxins in my blood - I think everyone should see that -- it is so motivating to detox - they are huge and sci-fi looking! So gross!
I had found a detox system, but been hesitant to try it because my gut often is sensitive to things. She told me that the one I had found was very gentle and very good because it detoxed 6 different body systems- not just the colon. (This was the 3rd doc to tell me it was a good system!) If you are interested, it is the Comprehensive Detox Kit by Desbio - 6 small bottles. To this she added coffee enemas and chlorophyll. The other thing that she touched on was the mind body connection -- and she suggested that I explore this more thoroughly with another Doc.
My take away from her was that detoxing my body, and strengthening my blood and my immune system would be enough for right now to keep the cancer in check and could be done with chemo if I go that route. I have a follow up appointment in a month. She also recommended that I see another Doc in her office who is a DC and a DO and has quite some experience with oncology support. I was able to get in to see him Friday.
His appointment was also very interesting. He will not work with anyone who has cancer that does not have an oncologist. In other words - he is there to support the process, not dissuade me from having chemo. He suggested a few other nutritional things that would actively fight cancer and suggested a long list of bloodwork to see if I would be eligible to do other supportive therapies. He gave me several things that we could consider and told me to go home and pray about them and the spirit would direct me what to do...........Todd and I about fell on the floor!!! At the end of our appointment, he prayed with us!!!
During both of these appointments there was a prevailing sense of peace. Not that we did not talk about hard things -- but it was peaceful. God does send us signs, if we pay attention to them!
That is the first time in this process that has been the case -- not that my oncologist is not wonderful -- she is a kind and caring person who believes absolutely that what she has to offer is the only way to go.
However, as an example of the disconnect that I am seeing -- Most people who have read anything about this know that sugar feeds cancer. When we discussed my weight loss with my onco -- her response was to drink a couple ensures a day and put ice cream in them!! I like her very much and she is highly respected--but that just proves to me that western medicine is not the only answer! In fact, I am coming to the conclusion that for my situation -relatively young, relatively healthy,relatively strong willed (haha)-- western medicine's answer is not the best.
So with this, I will sign off for today --
I am so thankful for
each day
discomfort with the original alternative doc because it lead me to a better situation
the two docs different observations
finding a complex protein shake mix that I like that is organic no gluten dairy sugar
a busy weekend and the strength to enjoy it
migraine medicine
rainy weather (actually overcast and mist most of the time - but so thankful!)
a cookbook of recipes printed out that a friend has prepared and knows are good that fit my
samples of organic foods along with where to get them
(it is hard to get up enough energy to go hunt through stores to find things that work -
being told what to make, what to buy and where to buy it from is such a blessing!!!)
my roses exploding from the rain - gorgeous blossoms
recommendations of raw food restaurants :)
a rainbow tonight
friends, family
a friend praying over me a prayer of healing
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever present help in trouble
we will not fear..... Ps 46:1
Thanks for checkin' in! Thanks for prayin'
Weight holding!! yay
Feeling good enough to do some social things, but still kinda weak.
Stress level still too high -
Please understand if I do not respond to you right away -- I have so very many cards, e-mails and texts that I am having trouble keeping up -- Thank you for understanding!
So how am I really?
I am cautiously, prayerfully optimistic.
As I re-read this - there are so many cool things that I left out - but here are the hi-lites:
The appointment with the nutritionist was interesting! She covered more than just nutrition and is a cancer survivor herself -- so she gets it. Spark notes version - she grilled me extensively about lifestyle and what I had been doing recently ( organic, no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, low meat) She took a drop of blood and put it up on a screen and showed me my blood cells. I did not realize that the oncologist looks only at the quantity of various things in my blood. This doc was looking at the quality of my blood. Interesting to say the least! She could pinpoint weaknesses in my cells and explain what to take to strengthen them and thereby my immune system. She showed me the toxins in my blood - I think everyone should see that -- it is so motivating to detox - they are huge and sci-fi looking! So gross!
I had found a detox system, but been hesitant to try it because my gut often is sensitive to things. She told me that the one I had found was very gentle and very good because it detoxed 6 different body systems- not just the colon. (This was the 3rd doc to tell me it was a good system!) If you are interested, it is the Comprehensive Detox Kit by Desbio - 6 small bottles. To this she added coffee enemas and chlorophyll. The other thing that she touched on was the mind body connection -- and she suggested that I explore this more thoroughly with another Doc.
My take away from her was that detoxing my body, and strengthening my blood and my immune system would be enough for right now to keep the cancer in check and could be done with chemo if I go that route. I have a follow up appointment in a month. She also recommended that I see another Doc in her office who is a DC and a DO and has quite some experience with oncology support. I was able to get in to see him Friday.
His appointment was also very interesting. He will not work with anyone who has cancer that does not have an oncologist. In other words - he is there to support the process, not dissuade me from having chemo. He suggested a few other nutritional things that would actively fight cancer and suggested a long list of bloodwork to see if I would be eligible to do other supportive therapies. He gave me several things that we could consider and told me to go home and pray about them and the spirit would direct me what to do...........Todd and I about fell on the floor!!! At the end of our appointment, he prayed with us!!!
During both of these appointments there was a prevailing sense of peace. Not that we did not talk about hard things -- but it was peaceful. God does send us signs, if we pay attention to them!
That is the first time in this process that has been the case -- not that my oncologist is not wonderful -- she is a kind and caring person who believes absolutely that what she has to offer is the only way to go.
However, as an example of the disconnect that I am seeing -- Most people who have read anything about this know that sugar feeds cancer. When we discussed my weight loss with my onco -- her response was to drink a couple ensures a day and put ice cream in them!! I like her very much and she is highly respected--but that just proves to me that western medicine is not the only answer! In fact, I am coming to the conclusion that for my situation -relatively young, relatively healthy,relatively strong willed (haha)-- western medicine's answer is not the best.
So with this, I will sign off for today --
I am so thankful for
each day
discomfort with the original alternative doc because it lead me to a better situation
the two docs different observations
finding a complex protein shake mix that I like that is organic no gluten dairy sugar
a busy weekend and the strength to enjoy it
migraine medicine
rainy weather (actually overcast and mist most of the time - but so thankful!)
a cookbook of recipes printed out that a friend has prepared and knows are good that fit my
samples of organic foods along with where to get them
(it is hard to get up enough energy to go hunt through stores to find things that work -
being told what to make, what to buy and where to buy it from is such a blessing!!!)
my roses exploding from the rain - gorgeous blossoms
recommendations of raw food restaurants :)
a rainbow tonight
friends, family
a friend praying over me a prayer of healing
God is our refuge and strength,
an ever present help in trouble
we will not fear..... Ps 46:1
Thanks for checkin' in! Thanks for prayin'
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Pressing on - Missing my dear Father in Love
Not being at peace with last week's integrative doctor, I've gotten in at a naturopathic pharmacist today, Thursday, who will look that things from a similar standpoint - I think...
Today is also an appointment with my oncologist to ask some more questions --
I just do not have peace about straight chemo....
Thankful that my weight is holding and not dropping anymore!
Energy seems more consistent, though still on the weak side...
Adding detoxing to the healthy diet...
How am I really?
I am so sick of thinking about cancer!!!!!
and so aware of the clock ticking....
A year ago today, God called home Todd's Dad, Jon -- who was my go to guy in any pinch -- a fun,quiet man of character that I loved very very much. This underscores the ticking clock....We are here today and gone tomorrow....
The questions swirl around and around.....
I have been reading an excellent book -
loaded with footnotes about the studies he quotes.
The crux of the issue for me is this --
Will altering my body's environment by detoxing, changing my diet and eating lots of the antioxidant foods be enough of a change to keep my cancer cells in check? Having done chemo before, it makes me wonder.....
Is my life expectancy the same if I do chemo as if I don't?
What will my quality of that life be?
This is a lesson in trust and patience and waiting on the Lord, without panicking ....
Some days I do better than others....
One of you sent this to me -- by Ruth Graham Bell -- it is so true!
Matt 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own!
I am "Leaning, leaning - leaning on the everlasting arms"
I continue to be amazed at how far this news has traveled and how many of you are
praying for me...We are humbled and so very grateful! Thank you!
Thanks for checkin' in!
Today is also an appointment with my oncologist to ask some more questions --
I just do not have peace about straight chemo....
Thankful that my weight is holding and not dropping anymore!
Energy seems more consistent, though still on the weak side...
Adding detoxing to the healthy diet...
How am I really?
I am so sick of thinking about cancer!!!!!
and so aware of the clock ticking....
A year ago today, God called home Todd's Dad, Jon -- who was my go to guy in any pinch -- a fun,quiet man of character that I loved very very much. This underscores the ticking clock....We are here today and gone tomorrow....
The questions swirl around and around.....
I have been reading an excellent book -
loaded with footnotes about the studies he quotes.
The crux of the issue for me is this --
Will altering my body's environment by detoxing, changing my diet and eating lots of the antioxidant foods be enough of a change to keep my cancer cells in check? Having done chemo before, it makes me wonder.....
Is my life expectancy the same if I do chemo as if I don't?
What will my quality of that life be?
This is a lesson in trust and patience and waiting on the Lord, without panicking ....
Some days I do better than others....
One of you sent this to me -- by Ruth Graham Bell -- it is so true!
came as suddenly today
as the storm came
a day ago.
My soul was drenched
in wind and rain
frozen in fear
that fell like snow.
Then all was still.
Had someone prayed?
I do not know.
Matt 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own!
I am "Leaning, leaning - leaning on the everlasting arms"
I continue to be amazed at how far this news has traveled and how many of you are
praying for me...We are humbled and so very grateful! Thank you!
Thanks for checkin' in!
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Drinkin' from a fire hose....
Integrative Doc appointment was interesting, a completely different point of view.....
Going to a healing service tonight
Appointment with City of Hope for 4/14 for second western medicine opinion
Port placement tentatively scheduled for 4/18
Continuing to drop weight - eating well tho! Integrative doc not concerned, said I would
level out as my body adjusts to cleaner eating.
I went into this integrative appointment hoping I would come out with a clear sense of what to do....No such luck! She shared a lot-- I really need to take time to ponder all this. She suggested many, many different things to do -- as well as tests. It seemed that the approach was "we don't know what will specifically work for your body, so let's run some tests and also let's try this,this and this, and then run another test and gauge how you are responding."
Two things she said really struck me.
One was that there is 100% certainty that there are cancer cells still in my body and it would be back.
The other one was not to do chemo, because the cancer cells would mutate and become more aggressive (which fits with what happened -- 4 years later I have it again instead of the 10-20 years they had said) and more resistant to the chemo. She suggested rather to bolster my immune system thru diet and other interventions and create an environment that would not encourage the cancer cells to establish themselves. This feels better than chemo because I can "DO" something rather than just going and getting poison poured into my body..... however, this obviously is not mainstream...and there is a lot to "DO!" It is so hard to be wise.....It seems easy until it is you.....
For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace...I Cor 14:33
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it. Luke 14:28
Praying for clarity and wisdom to count the cost and weigh the options wisely.
Also outside of mainstream, western medicine, we are playing healing music and hunting for funny movies/shows/books to laugh more...(suggestions welcome!)
I am thankful for:
beautiful weather - so nice to have windows and doors open!
flowers and the bees and butterflies that love them
Todd being so willing to cook for me
my peaceful patio
walking almost 3 miles again and not wheezing too badly
technology that keeps me connected to y'all
the prayers of so many of you -- you are a blessing!
Thanks for checkin in!
Going to a healing service tonight
Appointment with City of Hope for 4/14 for second western medicine opinion
Port placement tentatively scheduled for 4/18
Continuing to drop weight - eating well tho! Integrative doc not concerned, said I would
level out as my body adjusts to cleaner eating.
I went into this integrative appointment hoping I would come out with a clear sense of what to do....No such luck! She shared a lot-- I really need to take time to ponder all this. She suggested many, many different things to do -- as well as tests. It seemed that the approach was "we don't know what will specifically work for your body, so let's run some tests and also let's try this,this and this, and then run another test and gauge how you are responding."
Two things she said really struck me.
One was that there is 100% certainty that there are cancer cells still in my body and it would be back.
The other one was not to do chemo, because the cancer cells would mutate and become more aggressive (which fits with what happened -- 4 years later I have it again instead of the 10-20 years they had said) and more resistant to the chemo. She suggested rather to bolster my immune system thru diet and other interventions and create an environment that would not encourage the cancer cells to establish themselves. This feels better than chemo because I can "DO" something rather than just going and getting poison poured into my body..... however, this obviously is not mainstream...and there is a lot to "DO!" It is so hard to be wise.....It seems easy until it is you.....
For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace...I Cor 14:33
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it. Luke 14:28
Praying for clarity and wisdom to count the cost and weigh the options wisely.
Also outside of mainstream, western medicine, we are playing healing music and hunting for funny movies/shows/books to laugh more...(suggestions welcome!)
I am thankful for:
beautiful weather - so nice to have windows and doors open!
flowers and the bees and butterflies that love them
Todd being so willing to cook for me
my peaceful patio
walking almost 3 miles again and not wheezing too badly
technology that keeps me connected to y'all
the prayers of so many of you -- you are a blessing!
Thanks for checkin in!
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