Praising God for a wonderful break last week--I have thought back to it many times!

We stayed at the Red Rock Resort on the West end of Las Vegas. This is a desert climate - quite a switch from the upper midwest! As I sat and looked at these rocky, barren mountains - I really didn't like them much. They were interesting and unusual but they were not beautiful to my eye. After several days out there, they began to grown on me though. There is kind of a wild, tough beauty about them. I learned that the average rainfall there is 3 inches a year! (Based on the mulch all over my front walkway we had about 1/2 their annual rainfall here while we were gone!)
The type of terrain that comes about with that little rain, heat and wind does not appear beautiful when you first see it--in fact it looks rather ugly--intimidating and uninviting -- not like "home" or where I am comfortable. But as you look for awhile, you begin to see beauty in the colors of the rocks and the blossoms of the plants that do survive!
I feel a bit like that....
I am living through a difficult, stressful situation--my own desert, if you will---
not like home, or where I am before cancer...
Yet by God's grace, I am seeing beauty in my desert -
the love from all of you
people going to the doctor because of me
other's praying - when praying is not really their thing
providing encouragement to some of you
receiving the help and encouragement from you (it is hard to receive when you are a giver!)
realizing that I have made a positive difference in some people's lives
God's presence through it all...his sustaining word and grace...
I was so quick to judge the desert as ugly, intimidating and uninviting ---
It takes time to see the beauty in the desert when it is so different from where you have been.
In the same way, it takes time with God and thankfulness for all He has done for me to be able to see the beauty in this cancer desert.
When you first look at Red Rocks - there are some very clear routes (they are called roads) - but off the roads, it seems rather path-less. You have to kind of find your way.
How similar this cancer journey has been....
at first it was a vast unfamiliar fear
then pieces began to fall into place
it seemed as though the doctors I met with so quickly were the exact ones I was to see (duh!)
every step lead on to the next and the next
soon we had traversed surgery and begun chemo and not gotten lost in the fear....
now I am 3/4 finished - Spring is at the door - I see the end of the path -
looking back at where I came from - there was not a discernible path to take
we walked by faith and not by sight - following the path God guided us on
As I looked at those rocky inhospitable mountains, I became aware that the harsh climate is what made them what they are -- it is what revealed the colors of the rock and showed their beauty.
As I go through this desert - I am being changed.
Hopefully I am becoming more thankful for my friends, what I have and am able to do.
It is growing my faith stronger as I see all that God has provided for me.
I am learning not to judge an unfamiliar place as ugly --just different--you can learn anywhere!
I am trusting that God will bring beauty from this cancer desert as He did the Red Rocks....
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, (in the desert)
because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him....
May you be blessed to see beauty in your own harsh places...
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