(comment here or message me on
-Keeping on trying to build habits out of the protocols
-Lost the 2 pounds I bragged about - argh!
-Ultrasound tomorrow for hernia
-Exploratory conversation with Oasis of Hope in Mexico tomorrow
This picture is 1 month before my diagnosis...
Can't tell I am stage IV can you? Get your scope! It beats the alternative!!
So - how am I really?
Kinda grumpy - trying to fight it with thankfulness!
Pain and getting used to a hernia belt that is not fashion-friendly make me crabby
so does continuing research about the most effective protocols for me
detoxing makes me weak - and other unmentionable side effects :(
fighting weight loss
tweaking shakes and recipes so I can eat them
balancing "normal" life with my reality - realizing I can't do it all -
It all makes me grumpy!
So there! Got it out - I've whined enough! Thank you for listening!
(Hopefully it helps you understand if you have someone dealing with illness....)
I am thankful for
beautiful weather - cool and lovely
hummingbirds that beg when I need to fill the feeders
friends and family - their prayers, hugs, smiles and words of encouragement and help!
A friend helping me get the bracelets mailed (sorry for the delay!)
Fresh vegetables
Todd always being willing to help me decipher supplement purchases and talk through
anything and make me laugh
My friends' dogs that give me animal therapy -
The receptionists at my doctors' office that help me get answers to lots of questions
Travel plans to celebrate weddings, birthdays, Summer, friendships, family and life!
For God being "the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow"
That He always is waiting for me to run to him, after I have worn myself out trying to do it on my own strength.
"The world is too much with you my child. Your mind leaps from problem to problem ...tangling your thoughts in anxious knots. (Yes it does!) When you think like that, you leave Me out of your world-view and your mind becomes darkened. (I get lost in the darkness!!) Though I yearn to help, I will not violate your freedom. I stand silently in the background of your mind, waiting for you to remember that I am with you. (Why do I forget this so quickly - in the blink of an eye, I go from peaceful to "darkened" and wandering on my own with such a heavy load, stubbing my toes and stumbling!)
When you turn from your problems to My Presence, your load is immediately lighter.,,,we carry your burdens together....." Jesus Calling, May 25
Lord help me to realize when I flit away from you! Teach me to turn
immediately and run to you. Teach me to abide with you and not be drawn
To end on a fun note -
people send me humor therapy, which I just love and it is great medicine! Gotta share this one -
Thanks for checkin' in!
Hey Chris!
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that you are on my mind a great deal. I wish that there was something profound and meaningful I could share with you to somehow make the challenges you're handling every day with strength and grace ... somehow a bit less challenging. Such words are hard to find, but you're quite obviously cherished by lots of people who are praying for you daily. You life is vital to those you love and those who love you, but also to the many, many other people who re blessed by your influence. You're what I'd refer to as a genuinely exemplary human being. Sending love and prayers your way.
~ Tim