Everything is being sent to insurance for approval for me to have surgery --
Target dates are 2/25 or 3/1
Pain is less the last 24 hours - no advil!
So How am I?
Thankful! Very, very thankful!
A real mix of emotions -- relieved and thankful to be this far, but also the pit in the stomach feeling when you are facing something hard, and a little teary also....
Even the name sounds hard -- Robotic Laparoscopic Lymph Excision with more blah blah
that means freeing the ureter and placing a stint if needed.
Blessed by the scheduler - she was very apologetic that it had taken so long -- This will involve 3 surgeons and they were all texting each other because they kept missing each other to talk on the phone --- I think that is kind of funny!
Thankful for technology that got this done quicker than it would have!
So thankful for Todd's position and the great insurance that he has --
Thankful for friends who pray and move mountains for us!
Enjoying the beautiful weather -- it is fun to wear sandals and shorts --
Also enjoying the hummingbirds -- they are so tiny, but feisty - defending their feeders vigorously!

Matt 6:34
Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own!
Thanks for checkin' in!
Woo hoo!! One step closer to your perfect health again!! I remain in prayer for you, my friend! Love you!