Energy up a little
Weight holding
Not enough energy to walk much - gotta get on that!
Pancreatic enzymes seem to be working pretty well - diarrhea is better than it has been
Began full strength low dose chemo - tolerating it pretty well - Thankful!!
Searching out organic and gluten free products is challenging - still get overwhelmed!
Continuing to have more animal protein in my diet - trying to still keep my vegetables at 75%
of my diet - it's hard!
Still craving pizza
Have been pretty sick for a few days with the bacterial die off symptoms of a sinus/cold gross icky-ness. That started to get better on Sunday and now is just a cold that keeps Todd up at night as I snore - poor man!
Thankful to be tolerating the xeloda (low dose chemo) full strength -
hoping to add in the synergistic supplement tomorrow
hoping that does not trigger the diarrhea again
So thankful to have had the energy to make 3 performances of OLu's Beauty and the Beast! It was great fun to take friends with small children and watch them enjoy the show! The talent of the kids and the beautiful execution just amaze me! This was great medicine for me!
My nutritionist told me of a new sweetener called monk fruit drops -- if you are looking to cut your sugar intake, try them! They are not cheap - but real food is not! Also If you are trying to cut blood sugar, put cinnamon on anything you can -- it lowers blood sugar. There is your fun fact for the day!
Thankful for a Cubs win (whew!) I'm not supposed to be stressed - hahaha
Thankful for the little bit of drizzle we have had
Thankful for my contractor who installed my reverse osmosis system for me!
Thankful for all I can eat - trying not to dwell on cookies and cheesecake :)
Thankful for Be Well Kitchen that delivers gluten free healthy food for me and
thankful for the friends that made that happen!
As I become discontented, or think about complaining, I look around me at what other people are dealing with - and it shuts me up really quickly!
-a brother with brain cancer
-a daughter with thyroid cancer
-students parents dying - teen years are hard to lose a parent...
-a toddler son diagnosed with autism
-a father struggling with losing his autonomy
-a baby in the NICU
-spiritual warfare against an influential young man
-widowed shut in in chronic pain - very alone
-a struggling marriage -
-lack of a job for a young man with lots of talent and great work ethic
-a father in ICU with a brain tumor
-friends grieving the death of another friend my age...
-bipolar mother with chronic pain and a young daughter fighting cancerous cells that keep
popping up

My grandfather used to say, "Alles steht fest in Gottes Hende" -
Everything stands firmly in God's hands...
Yes it does, but that does not mean it is easy!
Thankful for God's word that gives me strength - for scriptures that come back to me when I need them like Isaiah 40:30, 31
Continuing to pray for healing -
Thankful for all the sweet notes and surprises! They lift my spirits so much!
Thankful for all those praying with me!
Thanks for checkin' in! Y'all are a blessing!
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