-3 bacterial infections (Not 1, not 2, 3! I'm special!)
-pancreatic dysfunction which contributes to the diarrhea
-gluten sensitivity
-yeast overgrowth (again)
-blood in the stool (probably as a result of the infections)
-low thyroid function
- compromised immune system (natural killer cells are way down, probably due to lack of
nutrients because pancreas is not processing food properly)
-low iron (may have mentioned this already)
As a result, I am now on:
-antibiotics-2 10 day rounds, one after another, of 2 different ones against the infections
He did say that I would feel yucky for a few days as the bacteria gets killed off! It is so nice
to know that ahead of time so that I will not wonder if I am sliding back into the abyss of
weakness or if the cancer is winning!!! This will happen with both antibiotics.
-enzymes to bolster the poor output from my pancreas
-naturethroid for my thyroid
-probiotics and a good yeast
-iron supplements
Sunday I will start back with the xeloda (low dose chemo) for 2 weeks and try to get up to
full dose
He thought that my weight gain was probably internal edema caused by the infections since my waist is bloated and puffy - I can pinch an inch :)
In an effort to curb the diarrhea, he had me add in bananas, rice, applesauce and toast to my diet, but I am in a quandary because, bananas are loaded with sugar which feeds yeast (both good and bad) and cancer. Rice is gluten free according to some - inflammatory according to others. Applesauce has the sugar factor and toast tho gluten free has the sugar factor. My head spins with what I am supposed to eat - and I continue to crave pizza, which is not helpful!
It is all a bit daunting. Thankfully, the integrative doc did not think that this would have a big impact on my cancer prognosis. We "just" have to get my body to process the food properly so that I get the nutrients I need to get better- easier said than done! My time off of my strict "no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, organic" diet was a very nice vacation- now it is back to reality- but it is a reality with more protein at least!
What is so interesting to me is that we met with my oncologist the day before (we did not have the stool sample results yet) but she said my iron was fine (we asked specifically about that) and she never mentioned my thyroid or my immune system-very different ways of looking at things.
On another note, she will require me to finish 3 rounds of xeloda before ordering a scan. Oasis of Hope just wanted 2 rounds completed - though I did the last one at 1/2 strength.
This will put off the timing of my scan from end of November to probably mid December or so.
Sidelight - you may wonder how I got results so fast if Quest lost my samples -- Well, Quest decided to play post office and mail my samples to Diagnos Techs - another lab. They did this without calling my doctor or me and evidently without noting it in the file since 3 different people were unable to give the same answer. Wondering how they can do that with hippa -
and it cost me a ton out of pocket to get the results! I am trying to find out how to contact Quest- as a patient, they don't answer when I call, tho my docs can get through! The saga continues! And I am supposed to not be under stress - HA! LOL
Lots of info here -- I am thankful to know this and now have to dig deep for the self control to not cheat and to genuinely chose the foods that will help me live life healthy.
So thankful for:
Light at the end of the tunnel
looks at trends and all the results
Office staff at all my doc's offices
that help me get answers
Cubs win :)
Soaking rain, thunder and lightening -
Technology that lets me pray with and
encourage my peeps across the continent
and "talk" with family and friends
Scripture that is always there to go to -
that has answers.
You hanging' with us and cheering us on
Your prayers lifting and strengthening us
and finding lost stool samples- lol!
The sweet cards and notes encouraging us!
What a blessing!
Gen 12:2 "I will bless you and you will be a blessing!"
Thanks for checkin' in! Y'all bless us!!
I've learned that my wife is amazingly intelligent about some medical issues! She applies her medical lab knowledge, along with a deep appreciation for both essential oil & eastern ways to combine both west & east in the search of medical answers for problems.