Friday, September 9, 2016

60 to 0 not 0 to 60!

Doing well - zig zagging between good energy and falling asleep. 
Working at doing "normal" things
Cultivating a healthy mind
Blessed by friends - thankful for them! 

Life here is on a very slow pace!  Some mornings I go back to bed by 8:30 and sleep anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours.  Some days I sleep for 2-3 hours around noon.  Other afternoons I go  back for a second nap around 5 ish.  Bed time is 9-10 depending... 
My energy is pretty good--tho I crash really quickly when I get tired.  One friend teased me and said I go 0-60 in nothing flat --- We laughed hard because I said no-it's 60 to 0-sound asleep!!  Sometimes I sleep so hard that I do not move for 2/12 hours and wake up stiff and sore!  

As you may imagine, accomplishing things can be challenging when sleep is unpredictable.  
I'm enjoying conquering domestic basics in between naps.  It's interesting how much more joy I have with having to work harder to accomplish things.  Being thankful to be able to to them makes all the difference between drudgery and blessing!

While at Oasis of Hope, they talked about your mind being part of your healing arsenal.  They talked briefly about positive and negative mind sets and how these affect your healing.  To that end, I have been doing some reading and the accompanying homework to try and improve my mental state.  It seems only right when I am spending so much time on what I am eating!  The problem is that in order to change negative thinking, you have to be aware of it!  That is where I get stuck.  Sometimes I can recognize a negative mindset, but often the thoughts just float around.  Whether they are positive or negative, I try and catch them and make them obedient to Christ from 2 Cor 10:6.  That is the most helpful.  In the meantime, the homework usually guarantees a nap! 

Cards, messages, e-mails, visits and gifts continue to bless us.  It is amazing to me how many people from all over are in contact with me.  

To keep me humble, I have received several notes which are tinged with jealousy.  The writers are envious of you - my prayer warriors.  They unhappy with their life situations and that they do not have their own cheering section.  They compare their lot in life with mine which is always a dangerous thing to do.  All of us have different paths to walk. 
God knows what each of us needs.  
God picked me to walk this one.  
My response has been to cling to Him in a very public way and share it with y'all!   This is not something that everyone could/would want to do!  It takes time to write something that y'all want to read!  It takes a lot of time to find the right words to convey the feelings and the details. 3-4 hours is about how long it takes to write a post - which is why it's been quiet lately! 
I would prefer to not have this lot in life.  It's scary and painful, but God is good.  He loves me. If this is the path that He wants me on, then I do not want to be anywhere else! 
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere  Ps 84:10 

Karen says it beautifully here.  

It always amazes me how God pours out encouragement to me.  
A friend sent me a book called "Fight back with Joy" by Margaret Feinberg.  I am including a short excerpt here because she does such a beautiful job explaining what y'all do for me/for us.  It is quoted out of order, for your ease of reading. 
"In the fights of life, people can be conduits of great joy and deep refreshment.  
Though I was tempted to withdraw an hide from everyone, surrounding myself with people who showed themselves safe and compassionate breathed joy into my dry bones.  They provided reasons to laugh.  They lifted me with their generosity.  Their acts of love distracted me from the darkness and re-oriented me toward hope.  The became incarnate reminders of God's fierce love.  
Friends are living, breathing gifts of joy."   

Another friend has taken my struggles with menus/ingredients/recipes/learning curve/lack of energy/Todd's time/sleep very much to heart and has blessed me amazingly!  She found a place that understands how to cook for people on special diets.  Be Well Kitchen and the owner, Jenny Ross, totally understand eating to starve cancer and how to eat raw.  My friend blessed me with over a month of meals from this lovely place!  I cannot believe the kindness and generosity!!!   What a blessing!  I am able to rest more (and so is Todd!!) and eat food that is good for me.  

Happy Friday everyone - My pillow is calling me!  We are so thankful for all of you!  Please re-read the italics above to grasp how much you do for us!  It may seem like little - but you mean so much! 
Thanks for checkin' in!   Zzzzzzz......

1 comment:

  1. Lead me to the Rock, the Rock that's higher,
    Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

    The Bible says that we are sheep. I learned from a pastor, whose brother was a sheepherder: sheep are near-sighted. They must be moved regularly, otherwise when they've mowed the grass, they'll eat the roots, destroying their future food supply.
    Hence, the need for a Good Shepherd, "Who knows the end from the beginning." I regularly proclaim my sheep-ness to Jesus, Who sees further down the road than I do.
    May your Good Shepherd give you great thoughts to think and point out what to NOT think about.
    - Love and prayers for you this morning!
