Friday, July 29, 2016

2 steps forward, 2 steps back -

Thankful it is not 3 steps back! 
Having some pain issues again - not sure why- probably from feeling the stent
Waiting for bloodwork again (watchful waiting)
Diarrhea continues to be challenging...I think its better and then, surprise!  
Walking very slowly and gently - made 1.5 miles on flat terrain
Riding the rollercoaster -progress, pain, discouragement -progress, pain, discouragment 

I feel good enough to think that I can do things.  Sometimes doing things ends me up in pain---other times, I do just fine! 
Recognizing the pain is hard, because it first manifests itself as an upset gut-which could just be an upset gut.  Because I am trying to keep my medication to a minimum due to the load on my liver and kidneys to process everything, I go through some waiting, analyzing time - Is it cramping? 
Did I move wrong and irritate the stent?  
Is the diarrhea is gonna strike again? 
Did I eat something that is upsetting my stomach?      or (a very annoying one) 
Am I feeling the movement as my gut processes?
This is a running conversation throughout the day, because it's always uncomfortable.    Trying to catch the discomfort before it turns to pain is an art form that I have not mastered!  
The diarrhea requires the same kind of analysis as the pain!  
Is it bad enough to take an imodium?
Can I get away without it? 
Can I run an errand without having to find a bathroom?       ARGH!!!

Days usually are good - pretty much, I can keep things in check.  Evenings tho I have not gotten a handle on.  Pain increases, diarrhea increases and sometimes the medicine does not really touch it and night time becomes, as my sweetheart says, " a series of short naps."  
All very wearing....Then the discouragement starts and I must fight that off - which takes effort!  

The only reason I share all this is that you may have someone in your circle of influence that has a chronic condition.  Perhaps this will cause more empathy and understanding as to why they are often worn out or distracted and it will be easier to be kind to them if they act annoying!  When your kids are impatient with someone, or think someone is weird -- share with them that perhaps that person is not weird, maybe they are sick -- Teach them that sick people do not always look sick and to not judge the book by its cover!   

-that I can walk
-orioles ridiculously trying to drink out of the tiny hummingbird feeders
-baby robins hanging out in my fountain
-cool mornings and air conditioning
-weight steady, tho low
-internet to find information
-that God's got this
-that I have a chance to try and change how my microbiome- 
-for notes of love and encouragement that beat the discouragement back-
-for God putting people in my path to encourage me -
   like when I was traveling home, sad to be leaving, anxious about my procedure etc.  There
was an unexpected charge for my bag, which was enough to cause tears.  So as I was walking to the security checkpoint I was really talking to myself not to cry and blinking back
tears.  As I step through the body scanner, the young man said to me, "You look very familiar.  You're Paul's mom!"  God blessed me with the sweet, familiar face of one of his roommates from at least 4 years ago!  My bag needed to be inspected, but not by him - and as I talked with the inspector - joking about transporting my protein powder, I told him that I knew Sean and asked if I could go take a selfie with him.  He was so kind -- he went and took Sean's place so he could come see me!  A familiar face when I needed some distraction.  

Have a blessed weekend!  Be thankful for each day! 
Thanks for checkin' in!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Mercy Drops" - that's when our Lord encourages us, out of no where, with a little blessing like the one you received at the airport. It's as though He is saying, "I'm still here." I'm grateful you were gifted that blessing at the airport!
    Thank you for writing so openly in order that way we all can know how to "specifically" pray for you. And, as you mentioned, hopefully we can also have more of a tender heart and patience for others who aren't feeling well.
    Love you Christine,
