Monday, July 25, 2016

Slow Progress and Sleep Aids

Pain less - No pain killers during the day since Sat-
Energy seems pretty good, tho I do tire easier than I would like
Added back 2 protocols -  Modified Citrus Pectin Shakes and Milk Thistle drops
Diarrhea continues to be an issue.....argh!  
Stool specimens show no parasites and no infection (Thank you God!)
Blood showed that my natural killer cells, that attack cancer cells, dropped :( 
   Not surprising said the doc -- my body is focused on this kidney 's inflammation and so is 
   not making as many NK cells.  
Had another blood draw and urinalysis today. 

In the last week, I have had 3 or 4 conversations with people about them being unable to sleep and the havoc that sleepless wreaks on your life -- everything  from grogginess, missing appointments, crabbiness with family, to stress and nightmares.  In addition, sleep is vital to health.  It is when your body heals itself.  If you are short on sleep, your body is running on fumes - but you may know that already from experience :)
Since my integrative docs mandated that I sleep 7.5 - 8 hours a night and usual was 5.5-6.5, I have learned a lot about sleeping.  Getting up multiple times a night has forced me to use as many avenues as I can to get to sleep and stay asleep.  So here goes:
-Avoid exercise right before bed - movement keeps you awake
-Avoid caffein after lunch 
-Have your cocktail with dinner, not in the evening.  The sugar in the alcohol hits your 
      system 6 hours later and wakes you up.  
-Tidy your bedroom.  It is very difficult to relax when you have piles of stuff everywhere.  Think of how a hotel room feels - spare, yes but also rather zen like! Your bedroom should be a haven - a sanctuary.  Remove clutter and make room for peace so you can relax!  
-Dim your phone at night - iPhones have a timer that lets you set it from the bright blue white of day time to the less stimulating yellow white at night.
-Avoid screens (TV, tablet or phone)in the evening
     The light stimulates the optic nerve, telling your body that it is day time and stay awake.
     Watching TV because you cannot sleep is the worst!  The light and sound keeps your 
        body from falling into deep sleep.  
-Watching the sun set helps your body comprehend that it is sleep time.  This is also 
      recommended for overseas travelers combatting jet lag.  
-Using a guided meditation helps to relax you.  I use the Insight Timer- ap - there are 
     several Yoga Nidra meditations that are helpful.  
-White noise helps with relaxation also-particularly if you find one that reminds you of a 
     relaxing vacation.  I use the Relax Melodies ap - the river and night sounds remind me of 
-Use a tiny flashlight at night if you need light rather than turning on the bathroom light. Light
     stimulates the optic nerve telling you it is time to rise and shine.  
-Make the room as dark as possible.  If you must use a nightlight, put something in front of it
     so that it does not shine directly into the room.  Again - that optic nerve....
-Cover your eyes when it begins to be daylight to help stay asleep.  An eyeshade works or if
     you don't have one - just use a sock (clean preferably!)
-Lavender Essential Oil applied to the bottoms of your feet, the nape of your neck, and your
      wrists helps relax you.  
-Calms Forte by Hylands is a homeopathic sleep aid that my integrative docs told me to use.  
     Chewing 1 or 2 before bed helps me fall asleep.   Should I waken during the middle of 
     the night, I just chew another one and fall back asleep!  This works like a charm!  I have
     noticed that if I have to get up by 6:30, taking one after 3:30-4 is not helpful as it makes 
     me a bit groggy.  Because it is homeopathic, this will not hurt you.  It is sold at Sprouts or 
     perhaps Walgreens.  It is available on-line also-8.50 for 100 tablets.  
-MyoCalm PM by Metagenics is an herbal supplement that I get at my chiropractor.  It is 
     designed to help with muscle relaxation but it works wonderfully to bring on sleep! 
-Coffea Cruda by Boiron is another homeopathic medicine that helps overcome 
     sleeplessness from an over active mind.  Take 5 tiny white dots and melt them under 
     your tongue 3 times a day,  It is also very helpful.  They are available at Sprouts or on-
Note:  I use either Calms Forte or Myocalm PM or Coffea Cruda -not together!  

I hope that this is helpful - You need your sleep!  Try these and let me know if they help!  

I am so thankful for 
lab tests that tell me how my body is doing 
another chance to get my life in balance
Skype, FaceTime and videos
the silly orioles that try and drink from the hummer feeders
robins hanging around enjoying the birdbath
supplements to strengthen my system
clean water
all of you for checking in and caring about us!    Thank you!!

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