Friday, May 26, 2017

Weight is up
Spirits are up
Energy is up
I am so incredibly thankful because it is such a difference from Monday!
Side effects are there, but manageable.

So thankful to be able to say that I have seen both ends of the health spectrum in the last week! 
Tuesday was my checkup to see how I tolerated chemo for the first round.  The docs observed that it had been brutal for me, so they made some changes immediately, and some for the next round. 
I was sent for IV hydration because I had dropped to 101 lbs from 111.
My extended release pain meds were doubled because the pain was too great.
The nausea medicine orders were changed from as needed to 24/7.
These changes had huge impact right away, for example, I was hungry as soon as they started the IV hydration with nausea medicine!  
For the next round:
The drug that causes the nausea is being reduced by 20% to tolerate it better
I’ll be on the anti nausea long before the pump is disconnected
They authorized home health care to come and do IV hydration for me at home. 
(this saves a driver, ½ hour drive each way and exposure to the germs there!)

Was blessed to get 3 infusions this week and the results of all these changes are miraculous! Today, I can:
Tip the scales at 113!
Eat 3 meals and several snacks per day
Move without it hurting at every turn
Walk with energy
Smell food and want some, not the puke bucket!
Eat more that ½ a teaspoon of food at a time, spaced 15 minutes apart because of nausea
Swallow water without it tasting horrid
Take only 1 short nap rather than 3 long ones!
Sleep fairly comfortably
Be filled with Joy at feeling good, rather than Fear wondering how long I can exist

When times are good, be happy!!!  Ecclesiastes 7:14 

So as not to be Pollyanna, there are side effects that are annoying:
fingers and toes getting numb-just starting at the very tips now
water and food having a metallic taste
some disorientation – not really dizzy, but not really “on” –
    but this comes and goes thank you God!
This is all part of the battle though.  I am so thankful that God has blessed me with feeling better! 

When I was so very ill last week and early this week, it was hard to fight the fear.  Obviously, you fight better when you are stronger!  A friend has been helping me to shift my mental paradigm and come up with ways to fight this beast mentally. 

One thing that helped me to fight the fear was this vivid image that I have from last Thursday’s chapel at OLu. 
As the students encircled us, after we were finished praying, I stood slowly turning in a circle and making eye contact with them.  The Spirit was so evident at that moment.  I have in my mind’s eye the vision of their faces, with their eyes being so brilliant – many, many shades of eye color – all lit up – some drowning in tears – others reflecting love or pain – some just soaking in the moment.  It was one of the most beautiful visions I have ever seen --- So many Godly, beautiful, loving faces, all with eyes glowing with the Spirit.   I so wish that I had the talent to paint or draw and capture this moment. 
Hold this thought. 

From prior experiences with chemotherapy, I had said that the hardest part of any treatment was walking in the door, knowing that I’m going to be so sick so quickly….

Back to my vision –

My friend has helped me to weave together a vision of all these beautiful eyes watching over me as I walk in…Loving, prayerful eyes, full of the spirit guarding me as I walk in.  I have been “practicing” this at home so I hope it will come naturally on Tuesday!
I rest in the knowledge that He will help me - Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit says the Lord Almighty! Zech 4:6

So thankful for feeling good and for all the other good things I mentioned in here! 
Thankful especially for y'all praying for us!  You are each one a blessing!  Thanks for checkin' in! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I've been practicing that imaginative prayer and that really helps me too! Praying for more Jesus! Double this for Christine!
