I'm fattening up to go back to chemo with my healthy diet and fight this beast! Tipped the scales at 110 today and continuing to eat anything I can.
On vacation, I felt so good, I tried three days with no painkillers which led me to some false optimism-- had to return to my extended release pain killers, which cast my spirits down. Was really hoping that I would be able to get off the heavy duty stuff, but no such luck. Being off them made me very, very tired and even more emotional....
Thankful for pain management that gives me good quality of life!
Have to remember that there will be good and bad days - and try to not get my hopes up too much. Still asking for my healing miracle - in the meantime continuing recognize that I am a living miracle and to be thankful that I'm as chipper and able as I am!

Thankful for so many friends kindnesses that have blessed us with everything from fabulous meals, to clothes, to cleaning, to grocery shopping, to outings and overnight stays -- and especially the precious prayers!!
The tumors must be shrinking tho because I slept on my right side for several hours, several nights in a row – a first in over year!
Continuing to fight The- "how many more times will I get to do this" and the "will I see them again " demons and maintain a "thankful for the present" attitude. This will probably be a lifelong issue-hopefully for a long life!!
Was blessed by time with not only many friends, but also with our sons and their families -- what wonderful medicine that is!!! As you can imagine, creating new memories with our grand daughter and also in-laws-to-be, is so uplifting.
Was blessed to attend a conference with Todd and get to stay at a private botanical garden in Wisconsin, on lake Michigan for several days. The peaceful, rich green and the beautiful water were so healing, and the funny things, like the tubs made us laugh! There were things to generate laughter and good feelings all over the gardens! It was amazing!
Was again blessed, this time by our Wisconsin congregation. When we went to church on Sunday our pastor asked if it would be ok to bring us up in front of the church and pray over me/us. What an astonishment as we have been gone for 4 full years!! Not so astonishing, it made me cry to hear his beautiful prayer and have so many people come forward to pray over us! The crowd really moved me to more tears--the love that we felt was amazing. What was equally surprising to me was the people who came up to me after church to share hugs and prayers. After all this time, the impression that we had made still remained. It was very moving and of course generated tears! What most amazed me was the memories that people shared with me - some reminding me of things that I had done with/for them that I had completely forgotten about - what a blessing to have those reminders! It really made me think tho --
Never underestimate the impact that you make wherever you are! Things that seem small and insignificant to you may really be God's work!
Make a difference wherever you are!
Take time for people!
Listen with your whole heart and ask God how you can help while you are listening!
The only thing you can take with you to heaven is people. Your kindness and caring will make a difference--I saw proof of it!
I love talking with people who are in the midst of deep pain. People will tell me things that they rarely share with others. It is truly amazing when someone quietly bares their soul to me. It is an honor and I ask God for help so that they get the comforting message He wants them to hear. A quick, "speak for me God" is all the prayer it takes and it works every time! Obviously it made a difference if people still commented about it after 4 years!!!
--Thankful I have a fall back after the xeloda stopped being effective
--Got a new haircut - 2-3 inches off to combat thinning hair..
--Fighting my sugar addiction which is back after time off my diet :(
--Moritz B&B booking up fast- lots of friends coming to see us! :)
--Very thankful for the chemo vacation, for feeling good, for having some energy to
enjoy our company....
--Thankful for God granting me time....
Asking for the specific prayers
-that the chemo not become ineffective against the cancer as the xeloda did....
-that my sugar/carb cravings would become more manageable...
-that I remain strong in body and spirit to bear the chemo and fight the beast...
-that Todd continue to be strong and as loving and amazing as ever...
Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord my soul,
and forget not all his benefits
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's PS 103:1-5
I especially like the healing from disease and youth renewed part :)
Never think that I am ungrateful for all your cards, texts, e-mails, notes and gifts! They renew my spirit daily and I cannot thank you enough for all your support and help! Thanks for checkin' in!
Hi Christine, I am not sure where you live but my husband and our church, First Lutheran in Manhattan Beach have a quarterly healing service. The next one is Saturday, July 22nd at 10:30. We would love to pray with you and annoint you with oil for healing. If you are interested let me know! Blessings, Nancy Durkovic