weight holding
sleeping lots
walking some
enjoying company between naps
deeply thankful despite being grumpy about going back to chemo!
In some ways it was rougher than 2, and 3-- in others is was better.
Nausea was worse by a long shot and I was very thankful for the supplemental meds that they provided me with. My fatigue was also a bit worse I think -- I have slept a lot!
This time around, even though I felt nauseated, I was able to eat pretty well in terms of volume, and not drop so much weight, which helps a lot with the fatigue!
As you may remember, I try to walk regularly, and the first day on the pump, I did walk 2 miles - but yesterday I had to really push to make 1.25 miles. If I don't walk, my muscles disappear with alarming rapidity!
Drinking is still a challenge -- the metallic taste is awful, but between straws and Green Machine naked juice that I use 1/2 juice 1/2 water, I have been able to get at least 64 oz down. La Croix has helped also! I discovered that while traveling and it has made a big difference - an easier 12 oz to get in!
Here is a short, sweet story - you never know the effect that you have! After an absence
of several weeks, I returned to my infusion center for vitamin C therapy. There is only one tech there who is qualified to infuse me through my port, otherwise it has to go through a vein. He had not been there the last time I was there, so it had been about 5 weeks since we had seen each other. His whole face lit up when he saw me! "I've been so worried that you were not doing well with the chemo since you haven't been in - where have you been?"
He peppered me with questions while setting me up - asking why I had been gone and how I was feeling and what the docs were saying. It really warmed my heart! It was quiet in the clinic that day,and we sat and talked through his lunch hour while I got my infusion. We discussed "healthy" lotion since I complained that the healthy stuff is not really thick enough and requires reapplication to avoid looking like an armadillo. We did not really come up with anything, so if anyone has a lotion that does not have all the bad stuff (phthalates, paragons etc) I'd love to know! But back to my tale -- he could easily have had his lunch with his co-workers, but instead he sat with me and invited them to sit with us also...I'm not sure what I did to warrant this kind of a response - but it was a good reminder to be interested in other's lives and not so self absorbed, no matter what your deal is! You never know the effect you have on a person, or the opportunity you will have to listen to their story....

Not much else to report-- I survived! That's the big thing!
So thankful for:
great nurses and nurses assistants
loving infusion techs at my vitamin C infusion place
company that keeps coming to visit and lift my spirits
medicine to combat the awful side effects
my husband who helps me remember to take my
medicine on time :(
(everything runs together - day-night-naps-meals-
snacks - all a blur)
notes, texts, e-mails, gifts to encourage us
friends who come and clean for us
cute hats to make up for lack of hair
the amazing, unbelievable, diverse amount of people
who are praying for me -- thank you!!!
the energy to enjoy excursions and great conversations
hummingbirds and gardens
pizza (lol)
scripture verses that keep me grounded when I slide off
into lala land or become distracted by everything going on with my body
how great I felt when on vacation.
(it really came home sharply how wonderful I felt then, when I felt so weak that I had to hang on to Todd's hand to keep forward momentum, and then have him leave me on a bench to go get the car instead of walking with him)
each day...
each conversation...
each chance to say "I love you", "thank you"
Specific prayer requests -
That I not become "immune" to this chemo -- that it continues to act on the cancer and keep it in check. This is my one shot at "life." If I become immune, well, then my days numbers become even shorter.
That Todd be able to continue balancing work and caregiving with the same organization, grace and love that he has thus far.
No matter what happens, I know that God is carrying me on this journey, that He has provided me with this platform to tell of His goodness and his provision. As long as he gives me breath, I will praise and thank him for what he does for me. He has enabled me to see the amazing things he does, both large and small. He has allowed me to be a miracle for y'all to watch...No stage 4 cancer patient should be able to do the things I do -- I'm supposed to be in a wheelchair, on oxygen - not walking around the block! We, each one of us are a miracle. It is a matter of whether we recognize it or not.
For far to long I treated my body like an amusement park rather than a temple...I am paying for it now. If you tread that same path, I encourage you to cut it out -- no on wants to play this game!!!
Cut back on sugar, alcohol and carbs-- go organic!! eat your veggies and lots of them-- get your screenings done and above all -- be thankful for the life you have!
Make your corner of the world a better place
Be kind -
Take time for people
Be thankful...
I love each one of you and pray for so many of you -- Thank you from the bottom of my heart - your prayers make such a difference for us! They carry us when life is too hard!
Heal me LORD and I will be healed, save me and I will be saved, for you are at the one I praise! Jer 17:4
Thanks for checkin' in!
Christine, I have been using Absolutely Natural products for years. Two of my favorites are the Rose Hip Aloe Lotion https://www.absolutelynatural.com/collections/moisturizers/products/rosehip-aloe-1
ReplyDeleteAnd the Organic Beauty Oil https://www.absolutely-natural.com/collections/ant-aging-body/products/organicbeautyoil It can only be found online or where I first found it in Hawaii at one of the Marriotts.
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ReplyDeleteChris, your sharing blessed me greatly. I loved the story about your 'infusion therapy lunch'! :) Also hearing all God is doing in your heart and outlook and also the way He is enabling you to keep on keepin' on! You are a miracle. A beautiful miracle indeed! I will be praying about all you mentioned! Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteYour St. Louis friends have not forgotten you and your journey. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. Heard often around St.John: "Have you seen the latest post from Chris"? All your advice is wise and wonderful, but your exacmple speaks louder than anything else. Thanks for being you! Hugs.
ReplyDeleteHi Chris - Thankful that #4 is done. Praying for you to stay strong, and keep radiating Christ to all you touch. Think of you often - sorry that I don't communicate more. Blessings & love from Minnesota!! Sue
ReplyDeleteSue Hewitt