Good appointment with nutritionist -
Need CT for kidney - Ultrasound did not show enough for the Doc to see.
Low abdomen pain - hoping it is hernia pain...
Summer scheduling is challenging!
My antioxidants continue to climb - up to 70,000 up from 64,000! This is important because antioxidants are what turn the cancer genes off! Yay!!
She said that my blood was very clean and moving well! Plaque was down and there was just a tiny bit of candida. The supplement that supports my liver is working to process all the saturated fats that come in, which is what made my plaque go down! So thankful! She added some digestive enzymes to help with all this also. A shot of B 12 was recommended in addition to what I take to help with digestion, strengthen blood and against cancer. She suggested that I increase my omega 3's a bit also.
Very exciting news - my eating repertoir is broader now! Very very thankful for that!
I can have more fruits now - (it had just been berries for the antioxidants) Apples, strawberries, watermelon, mango, grapes, peaches, plums- oh my! I am so happy! She did give very specific amounts so I don't go nuts - but this will make my shakes so much better!!!
Even more exciting for this girl is that I can have very lean beef once in a while!! Happy dance!!! No porterhouse or rib eye - but sirloin or flank is ok!!! It's amazing how exciting that is!!
Not so great news - CT scan required - which means a blood draw before hand as well. This is not that bad - just was trying to stay away from excess radiation.... However - it does put off my appointment with the surgeon, which was to be tomorrow. I was hoping for an "It's all good" about my kidney and ureter. Have to wait for that now.
Have been having gut pain at the end of the day-- presuming that its pain from my hernia. Was given a gift of a lymphatic drainage massage at a clinic that works solely with cancer patients. What a great learning experience! She thought that perhaps the hernia belt was cutting into me more than I thought and causing the pain and suggested I not wear it -- Not sure about that - but trying to tweak it again to fit better. When I said it hurt at the end of the day, she really made me laugh by saying, " well get off your feet then!!" Why can we sometimes not see the forest for the trees? That sounds great to say, but it is really hard to accomplish all the domestic stuff before it hurts and still have a life!
She is putting me in contact with a program that hopefully my oncologist will sign off on and will be paid for by insurance. Through that I would be able to get training on how to move my lymph system that will not aggravate my hernia (jumping on the rebounder trampoline is probably not helping a lot) Praying that my oncologist approves that.
Realizing that scheduling follow up appointments can be challenging as doctors take vacations also :) Timing blood draws close enough, but not too close is an art form - lol. So is getting enough supplements but not turning into a warehouse! Guess God's forcing me to work on my logistics abilities (haha)
I am very thankful -
for technology that will tell me if the pain is my kidney
acting up or my hernia
that the detoxing is working
for dear friends that stay close despite geographic
and time zone challenges
for the beautiful weather that we have - not too hot -
not too cool -- just right! what a gift!!
to see how many people want bracelets! Thank you!
(Todd has bracelets on his desk if you are at Olu)
for all of you!
Thanks for checkin' in!
I probably will post about 1- 2 x week since things are kind of in a routine now.
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