Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Chemo to Palliative to Hospice....

Chemo to Palliative to Hospice....

Weight holding - 
Sleep pretty good
Pain hard to manage
Constipation a roller coaster
Tumors continuing to grow
Emotions a wreck

We celebrated the decision to not do chemo by taking a bucket list trip to Acadia Park in Maine.  We ate lots of lobster (well, actually, my stomach did not have much capacity, but for me, I ate a lot.)  We enjoyed gorgeous scenery, bonfires and wildlife... And because we went with some dear friends, we were insured lots of giggles and grins as well as great conversation.   

Layovers in Boston allowed us two special visits - one  with a healing pastor who prayed over me.  It is really hard to know if it was of any help, but we continue to hold out hope...
We also got to see a sweet friend who has been like a niece to me, and her husband - A great God appointment!  

Coming back was a welcome home to reality of weariness and continuing to wrestle with fear and pain....as tumors grow, which they do every day, pain increases.  As pain increases, fear increases...
It is a never ending circle. I am thankful for God’s promises to always be with me and never let me go.  

While we were gone, my ascites ramped up. (Ascites is the fluid build-up in your gut)  In my appointment with my palliative care doc, we talked about having it withdrawn with a needle (paracentesis) or putting in a little drain or trying to manage it with things like lasix.  Fortunately, the pills worked and i could avoid the paracentesis (whew). But constipation continues to rear it’s ugly head - just to keep me from being bored.  

It has been shocking to me how long it has taken to get back into the groove of having some energy...I am still quite exhausted from the trip, taking many naps.  Naps, of course, preclude doing fun things like getting together with friends - which is a bummer.   I am running out of time....last week I only had time for one fun outting - the rest  of my time was used up in napping and meetings.

This weeks meetings have been with hospice care...  I thought the chemo or no chemo decision was hard - HA!  Yes it opened blocks of time, but those blocks were used up by hospice....
Basically what happened is that my palliative care doc, who is absolutely wonderful, pointed out that I  should have things in place so that if I need help in the middle of the night, I do not have to go to the ER like last time.  Having things in place means signing up for hospice.  We do believe that we will have the best care for me, through hospice, but the psychological fall out is a little rough...  for the first time i am really feeling like i am running out of life to live...

I understand being a walking miracle—been there—and was astonished by it and thankful for it—but i am now fighting for energy, for a wish to eat, for calories, for pounds, for joy...
It is extremely difficult to live hunting for all of these things.   I don’t have energy for anything -things like getting up to walk across the room to get something just is not there...it affects how you view life and what you take on.

I do not want to whine, and i’m teetering dangerously close...
This is a window into my world-i have no energy and I’m fighting hard to keep my spirits up, with limited success.  I am staring death in the face...a scary, sad feeling.  
We have stayed busy with hospice stuff, but when the quiet comes, fear creeps in big time...
Reality like a hospice bed and oxygen coming tomorrow make you aware that time is ticking away...

All of this is why i have not written—words are absent—what can i say?  I am losing my battle and it is scary...i start to write and fall asleep....
Thanks to all of you who have sent flowers and notes and texts and cards...who have been supportive despite the silence...we appreciate it so much...

I am coming to realize that God probably will not do a healing -probably will not bring immediate relief.  It will probably be my lot to go home to Heaven early as so many do ....and basically i am fine with that-we just were thinking it would be a bit further down the road... like years. I feel a little young to be going... now though - I’m feeling really worn out from the pain and trying to manage everything ...

God is good - all the time!  Prayers are appreciated.  Thanks for checking in!

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


  1. Christine, thank you for sharing your journey!! I read this always with anticipation for the turn. You may see Him face to face soon and as this will take your breath away, it floods me with tears. I know this transition will be the most beautiful experience of your life but we weren’t made for this, not this way! That is why it is so difficult, though He does make all things good for those who love Him and your love for Him is Contagious! I have followed your story so closely that I will not give up hope as long as we share the same air and I find it hard to breathe as emotions break free. My prayers and love are with you and those you love always...

  2. Continued prayers for you, Christine. Wishing you God’s peace. ❤️

  3. Knowing Him is knowing peace and your words here echo that truth. God be with you and your dear family. Thanks for your courage to share your thoughts and your faith.

  4. Praying for you and your family. Seeing your passed loved ones and Jesus will be a wonderful reunion. But...still praying for your miracle. Shelley Koontz

  5. Christine, your honesty and strength through your suffering has been so inspiring. My prayers continue for you, for His will to guide you and bring you peace and for Todd and your family as they suffer with you. My heart breaks as I can’t fathom what you both must be going through. You are loved. You are strong. You are amazing.

  6. Christine, You are such a warrior for the Lord. We pray for you and Todd faithfully. Trust Him for the timing and all the details of your life. I firmly believe the Father will be calling us all home very very soon. If you go before us it won't be for very long and we will then all be together forever celebrating at the feet of Jesus. You will be with our precious family that has gone before us. Be sure to tell my mom and dad we think of them hourly and miss them so very very much. Uncle Jon will be waiting as well with such joy to see you again. Personally, I would go now if the Lord saw fit. I think about home every day and long for His appearing with such great anticipation. I love you and pray for you both faithfully. Terry

  7. You have fought a faithful and overwhelming battle against a disease of this world. Praying you can manage the pain as well as peace for you, Todd and your family. Thank your for sharing so transparently - His light truly has shined through your words of faith and the grace you have shown through this journey home.

  8. Christine,
    Your faith and love for Jesus is overwhelming. I am undone by your post and encouraged to cling to Jesus at every moment. I am praying your pain is managed and your time with loved ones and friends is maximized. You have so many who love you. Another testimony to Christ’s love that has poured through you for years. I pray to be so obedient. Praying for you and your wonderful family. Shauna Sebasty

  9. You exemplify courage in the face of fear and reality, and you continue to profoundly influence us -- those of us who read your words, and see your faith, and yet, feel your pain. I love you, Christine, and I continue to pray for you and for God's peace, patience, and for no pain! You are in HIS mighty hands, and there is no better place to be!

  10. Hi Christine,
    I read your writing today and I am thinking of you, and praying and feeling for you. You are loved. Hugs and prayers.

  11. Christine, I met you at Side by Side bible study. I pray that God will always be your side. Kathy McMahon
