Monday afternoon and doing pretty well
weight steady -
not walking enough
fell off the low carb wagon for a week :(
feeling ok - tired
emotionally worn
mouth sores popping
skin on hands and feet peeling and cracking
sleeping - fair, not great
appetite down
drinking continues difficult
Overall - sickness time has shortened somewhat (no less fierce tho)
It is taking a toll on my body tho
Last week we asked at what point the chemo would start to kill me faster than the cancer. She said that 18 -24 mos they usually see a toxicity jump. However I am doing my cold laser treatments every week and my vitamin c infusions every other week, both of which work to boost my immune system. Hopefully this along with all the other stuff will push that number out further...
We also asked about a chemo vacation. My oncologist said firmly that the chemo is controlling the disease and while I may have a 1 week delay, anything else is not recommended....To say I was disheartened is an understatement. I had been hoping for a month off...
We also spoke with her about my emotional exhaustion...sadly her response was to take more of my anti-anxiety pills - which also does double duty as nausea medication....I had been hopeful that she would see the merit of giving me a month break to ease the emotional fatigue....No such luck!
We were blessed by the speed with which my PET was approved. This time I called them - forget waiting around for them to call me!
Ps 118:17
I will not die but live and will proclaim what the Lord has done!
Hope I get to do that a long time!
Hope it makes you smile!
Regarding last weeks post, I am trying hard to pull myself out of this funk - not very successful at doing so - but thankfulness helps!
Thankful for
my continuously busy Bed and Breakfast
gorgeous weather and breezes
blossoms, butterflies and birds
dear friends who help out however they can
your faithful prayers that make this bearable -
truly, I do not know how we would endure without them
God's word that comforts especially when I cannot sleep
Todd's faithful, loving care - even when I don't like some of his observations...
Paul's surgery steadily healing
our sons and daughter in loves
grand daughter antics to liven things up
God conversations wherever they happen
Thanks for checkin' in!
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