Sunday, March 5, 2017

Humbled again and again!

God did it again - Mexico package arrived already!
So humbled by all the prayer warriors I have met at the conference!

But that is not all the news!!!!
Remember the difficulty in getting the medicine from Mexico - how he assured me there was the probability that it would get caught at customs for days, up to 2 mos?
It arrived Friday!!!  I ordered it Monday night!!!
That has to be God - it is NOT a coincidence - He is ordering the details for me!
So thankful!

Flew to Texas for the ALSS conference with Todd (Association of Lutheran Secondary Schools) and got a wicked bad cold/flue thing.  Went to bed and stayed there for a day and a half- and still not better!
Thankful for:
A beautiful view to look at while honking and sneezing
A king sized bed so I did not wake Todd up everytime I got up to blow my nose or gargle
A kind husband who got up early to make a run to the store for medicine (oscillococinum is great!)
Bed pillows scaled for a small person
     (usually I get a crick in my neck because they are so big and fluffy!)
Being able to finally sleep with only a few blowing/gargling interruptions
Feeling good enough to go on the "spouse outting" and make the banquet
   (Had to miss the big social outting but with two naps and in jammies by 8 - I made it!)
Fantastic service at LaToretta Resort that made my misery more bearable with great vegetarian food and much kindness

The most humbling thing for me in the last few days has been all the people who have come up to me and said they were praying for me  - daily!  Of those people, only some of them I know!!!  Imagine having a total stranger come up and hug you and say that they pray for you every day???  I cannot even type it without crying.  It is a little embarassing to get teary eyed and then say, "thank you  so much - it means so much to me - what's your name???"  Fortunately, people are very understanding :) I am blown away by the brotherhood that is within this group.  This is the conference that I was able to attend 5 years ago, while on chemo,when it was in Las Vegas at the Red Rocks resort.  Some of the people are still attending this conference now - and it is one of our favorites!

What is even more humbling is to see how my story has affected other people.  One gentleman that I do know, came up to me and gave me a huge bear hug - told me they pray for me daily and began to  cry....This big, tough, successful businessman and I stood there and hugged and cried (I can't let anyone cry alone - it's just rude :))
My point with all this is that you do not know how you touch people.  Clearly, my story touched him greatly!  God is using it in some way in his life.  It's not my deal what/how that is -- I just need to be faithful to God's calling me to write and be transparent -- and He uses it for His purposes.  Do you know how wonderful it is to see some good come out of my struggle?  It is so encouraging to actually see that this is not for nothing!

It was such an emotional, blessed time -- despite being sick, not being able to attend much, and weak as a newborn pup.  Praying that I get better soon.  I am so thankful to have put faces with some of you who pray so faithfully! Never doubt that your prayers make a difference!!  I am so thankful for all of you!!

Thanks for checkin' in!


  1. Hi Christine, it's Randee, Traci Snyder's mom. I have been following you a little bit and wanted to let you know about a new treatment that my husband Doug is doing thru our integrative doctor. I just googled before writing, and did see that Oasis of Hope has this available also, as far as I can tell. Last year Dr. Connealy, Center for New Medicine in Irvine (that's Doug's Doctor) said there was a new vaccine coming out, and she hoped to have the training and availability in January. Well we just got back from her office today and Doug started the process. Of course it is not inexpensive. It is called Dendritic Vaccine. Which is really a 5 hour drip. First they do a blood panel which is sent to Greece, and if that comes back that you are a good or fair candidate, then they proceed. They draw your blood, send it to Greece for processing with whatever they do to it, it is sent back and you have the infusion. It is all very time sensitive, and done on a strict schedule. There is a chance that you might need 2 treatments, but never more than that. The Dendritic vaccine uses your own immune system to destroy the cancer cells. We have no idea if this will work, but we are all in when in comes to alternative treatments. Dr. Connealy has been in the "Truth about Cancer" series, so you may have heard about her. Doug also does the Vit. C drips and numerous supplements, coffee enema's, and infared sauna. I do not know your age, but Medicare does cover the Vit.C drips and a portion of Dr. Connealy office visit. The sticker (shocker) price of the Dentritic Vaccine is about $11,000. and not covered by insurance. I do pray every day is better than the day before. God Bless

  2. Me again, Traci Snyder is Traci Wise to you, long day at the doctor's with Doug, had my brain fogged, Snyder is Traci's maiden name. lol
