Monday, March 27, 2017

Bad news, good news

Got bloodwork back - one tumor marker up, one tumor marker down - 
Oncologist fine with bloodwork - waiting for Oasis of Hope to weigh in - 
Praying to figure out which integrative docs to involve in this process - one or both
Energy up last week (trying not to get too excited)
Feet better after being off xeloda for 3 days
Weight steady

Primary care doc is amazing - she e-mailed me results Tuesday night so I could prepare for my oncologist apt Wed afternoon!!!  She is such a blessing!
When I saw that one tumor marker doubled (1.6-3.2) I cried and did not retain much of the rest of the numbers.
So thankful for my loving analyst who spent several hours researching the history/trends of the numbers and consolidated 26 pages of history and results into one page(!) with "concerns" on it-- and then e-mailed it off to Oasis of Hope!  
     I am blessed!
     After all that analysis, he felt that my bloodwork was not so bad as I thought :)  Yay!
Went into the oncologists appointment assuming that she would use the doubling of the tumor marker to insist on the IV chemo.
Before I even got to see her, an assistant came in with 2 containers of xeloda that had been left by another patient, whom I did not even know(!) with my name on it!  God dropped about $3,000.00 worth of medicine into my lap (worth based on what insurance pays for it). We were stunned!
     God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine! Eph 3:20
I could never have come up with that plan!
When the oncologist came in, she looked at my numbers and said they really were not really bad!  (I shut my mouth) As she went to look for the history, Todd asked her a question and she did not really focus on the numbers doubling!  She promoted me from every 3 weeks to every 6 weeks and said she would order a PET next time....and away we went!!!
We were so surprised  - so fun to see God intervene!!!
So I am staying on the xeloda for at least one more full round - thankful!

Still waiting for comments from Oasis of Hope - The doc said that because some of my numbers were up, he really wanted to convene the docs and discuss my situation and he would get back to me when they had met.  I'm guessing we will hear soon - and I am so thankful that several sets of eyes will look at the numbers.  

I need to figure out which integrative doc to go back to .... this is weighing heavy on me because they offer different benefits - like comparing an apple and a steak....praying for wisdom on this, as one looks at the quality of my blood, practices like oasis of hope does, and his work provides insight for my cold laser therapist.  The other doc is closer, cheaper and has a whole team of docs that look at my stuff and is more "cutting edge".  He however, does not look at the quality of my blood. 
These decisions are wearing...
    Since I wrote this,  I made an appointment with the doc that looks at my blood quality....

In the good news realm -- I am so thankful because last week I had good energy!  My naps were shorter and I automatically did some household chores that I used to really have to push myself to do, if they got done at all!  

Blessed to have a full weekend - Friends in town, theater performance, volunteer banquet - so fun!
However, today I am dragging... not quite as much as I had been - but not as energetic as last week :(  Focusing on being short on sleep and praying that I rebound!

Thankful for:
good doctors
my great husband who cheerfully wears whatever hat is the most helpful that hour (chef, analyst, host...)
energy to attend activities
feeling like myself ( a first in almost a year)
the beautiful weather 
the steady stream of guests coming to visit
opportunities to talk about God and faith and his provision
faith - that we are not alone in this!
all of you for praying for me and visiting my blog to see how I am doing....

Thanks for checkin' in! You are a blessing!


  1. I am praying for you. Keep that strong faith! HUGS Theresa

  2. Hi Chris! Thankful for encouraging news and praying for God's continued guidance/leading--for the 'team' overseeing your care and for you too! Praying for needed rest, rebounding energy and physical and emotional sustenance. Our Lord is faithful and I am thankful for the Ephesians 3:20 reminders He gifts us with! Hugs to you! Sylvia
