Wednesday, November 30, 2016


For all the birthday greetings - thank you for thinking of me! 
For your ongoing prayers 
That I was strong enough to go to a conference with Todd before thanksgiving and visit with some friends
     Went to several receptions and stood for hours talking to people --
     2 months ago, I could barely stand 15 minutes!
For organic turkey and a fairly "normal" thanksgiving dinner 
     (really missed the mashed potatos and the pumpkin pie needs working on!)
That tho I am having side effects from the low dose chemo, my gut is ok
For the challenges of side effects - they make me appreciate what I can do!
That this year will be better than last year --
That my weight is holding
For rain! Love the rain! It was wonderful!
For cool temperatures - winter in SoCal!
For the anticipation of family coming
For a fireplace when the heat goes out 
For a quick and easy fix to the heat problem and the technician to do it!
For a good book to lose myself in
For the administrators at my doctors offices helping me to sort out insurance snafus
For the customer service reps at my insurance company helping me with willing attitudes, 
    and advocating for me, above and beyond what they had to do
For the quiet peace of Advent
For the energy to do some organizing
For my oncologist agreeing to a PET scan in December!
  Praying the scan shows the cancer dwindling down!

Many people wrote much about being thankful over the weekend-- 
The one that jumped out at me the most was something to the effect of -- 
What if God took away the things that you forgot to thank Him for?  
Waking up? Seeing? Breathing? Joints that work? Your close relationships? Your special gifts that make you? Balance to not fall over or run into things and be able to carry things? Coordination to be able to open a bottle, clasp a necklace or bracelet - to walk and drive? A soft pillow in a warm house? Clean water? A friend to play a game with or call? The comfort of a favorite bible verse or hymn?  The sweet smell of the air after rain? The peace of rain on the roof? The beauty of a blossom? The comfort of a sheltering hug?

From Col 2:6-8 So then....continue to live your lives in him.....overflowing with thankfulness.

Thankfulness leads you into "praying without ceasing" and into praising him - the sure antidote to sadness/depression/fear.  Hopefully you can carry the thankful spirit into this crazy hectic Advent/Christmas season.  It will help you to keep the main thing, the main thing! It will also help you to not become overwhelmed.  (I'm preaching myself a sermon here too! I know this is easier said than done - but the effort takes you in a better direction!)

Thanks for checkin' in - Thankful for each of you!  


  1. Beautiful thoughts! Excellent reminders.
    Thank you for all the positive!
    You are a terrific "encourager"

  2. Always thinking of you and sending up prayers. I am so blessed by your transparency and courage. Happy Belated Birthday!
