Thursday, July 5, 2018

Update on my treatment ...

Hope you had a Happy Fourth of July!
Last Friday went smoothly - 
Back to doing supplements regularly, adding in a new one every 3-4 days  
Mouth sores all gone, but still sensitive to hot and cold and spice.
Trying not to lose weight as I attempt to cut animal protein and carbs - quite a challenge - holding at 110

Not much to tell you about the NK cells.  It takes a while to get those results back, not like the regular blood draw for my oncologist, which yields results within 24 hours.  It will probably be pushing 2 weeks - unless, of course, Quest loses my blood draw again....

Meeting with my oncologist was basically her handing me off to the USC doc.  It was very strange- I felt dismissed - and not really one friend put it, “ God was done with her.”  So true, but it still felt weird.  

Contacted USC for an appointment - unfortunately, the first available was August 6.  I explained my time challenge and the scheduler said that the doctor would review my records, which the scheduler marked urgent and then the doc would “squeeze” me in wherever he had time.  Please pray that he sees fit to “squeeze me in” sooner rather than later.... 

I have been very pro active about my diet and the supplements that I am taking.  I am organic 97% of the time, gluten free (again) dairy free (ouch! Goat cheese has been my saving grace)  virtually sugar free and I am taking potassium, a thyroid medicine, D3, immunokinoko, milk thistle and lyposomal vitamin C and trying to add in Laetril.  True confessions tho, 
I don’t feel all that great.  
Perhaps you remember when I made the shift to chemo and felt a great deal better than when I was fighting this was with supplements.  Side effects of the supplements are stomach and GI upset.  I have had to stop and start the laetril because I was not tolerating it well.  I feel fluey, achey and tired.  
In addition, without the laetril, my pain level has increased, so that I am taking painkillers 3 x a day on some days, instead of twice a day.  The amount of sleep I get is far beyond what was normal for me before I started this game—I sleep about 9-10 hours plus naps... (used to sleep 5-6 hours)  It is disconcerting to feel like the tumors are growing and I am not “doing anything” about it....even tho I really am....
Tears come easily....

All of this is quite discouraging.  I am trying hard to stay positive - be thankful - be joyful - live life....but sometimes, it is an uphill push....Todd is an encouragement for me, but it is a struggle for him also.  
Thank you so much for supporting us with your prayers.  They carry us when we are unable to walk.  

On another note,  I have been in touch with a Lutheran healing pastor from Connecticut and he prayed for me again.  As I continue this battle, it had occurred to me that perhaps my miracle is getting to live life feeling as decent as I do, while still having the tumors growing.  It is very hard to know and to not get my hopes up.  In the meantime, I am just thankful for the time that I do have —having a finite, short amount of time  is so hard to wrap my head around.   

 Luke 18:1-7 reminds me to not give up.  It’s the story of the unjust judge who still acts justly to a persistent widow because of her persistence...”and will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him night and day?”  God can do anything - praying that it is in his plan to spare me for a few more years- in good health....  Certainly, we are blessed with many who are crying out on our behalf - thank you - Please pray with us that He grants me more time...It is a heartbreaking, tear filled, gut wrenching time.  Yet we fix our eyes on Christ and keep on plodding -  one foot in front of the other - trying to be as wise as possible - seeking comfort and His grace as every turn...

Thx for your persistent prayers.  They carry us!
Thx for checkin’ in! 


  1. You are at the top of my prayer list - I believe God is in control and I believe in miracles...pray USC can see you soon!

  2. This is Lisa. Steve and I are praying for you. Love you.

  3. This is Traci. Nick is home next week and would love to come play worship music for you. I know when I am tired,sad,discouraged it lifts my spirit to just sit on the couch with eyes closed and hear him play and sing. He wouldn’t even be offended if you fell asleep!! Let me know if he can come bless you with the gift God has given him. If you don’t have a piano he can bring his keyboard.
    Love you sweet lady!
