I got a mini miracle last
week as all the doctor’s weighed in.
They all agreed that I should do chemo!
I am so thankful for their consensus (very surprised also) because it
makes the decision much easier. It does
make me sad though…..
Oasis of Hope did say that
the tumor was in my liver not on it, and because of that we need to move
swiftly (which they all said) to try and get this beast under control.
If I lose my liver function,
then I have a huge problem with no solution.
The goal is to shrink the tumors sufficiently that my liver can function
with less stress.
My Oasis of Hope doctor also
talked about xeloda resistance – that my body had become resistant to the
effect of the xeloda, which he thought was why the cancer seemed to
explode. Had not heard of that before.
They also want me to
continue with all the protocols that I can, while I am on the chemo…should be
interesting to see what I can tolerate…..
Supposedly the chemo,
folfiri with avastin, is easily tolerated and they hope that I’ll be able to
sustain my protocols and beat this beast back into submission.
What a mix of emotions! So very thankful and grateful that there is
concensus on the part of my docs….
I’m very, very sad to even
be thinking about doing chemo. It is
contrary to what makes sense to me – wipe out your immune system to try and
kill the cancer……I just dread doing this – can’t help but remember how hard it
was to walk in to get the treatment knowing I would feel so horrid in a few
hours….There is no other choice tho! Trusting God to give me the strength when those steps are needed.
Now we wait for
the insurance company to ok my treatment and then get a port placed.
I am sad at the thought of
this---last time I had a port placed it was to win – to kill the beast and be
clean for 30 years (what my last oncologist told me!) This time it will be to stay alive….I pray
that this succeeds!!!
The thought of having to get
my port flushed each week that I am not being infused is so frustrating- more appointments that cut into
living life!
So need the thankfulness list! That:
God made the doorway clear, that we
are to walk through
My pain medicine is working
Had no idea how much the pain
was affecting me until this alleviated it!
Better sleep due to pain
There is a plan B for
integrative therapy not working – even if I don’t like it.
Rain – nice, soft, on-and-off-all-day-long-rain.
Friends and family who pray,
pray, pray.
People who do not even know
me, like the students at the high school, and friends of friends, or friends of
our family praying for me.
That I have been relatively
collected and not completely hysterical
about this.
Feeling good enough to
attend a senior recital, our church’s gala, make a hospital visit and spend
time with friends around all the naps.
That I have some strength
still – I do not look sick, or walk like I am sick,
which is solely attributable to all your
For the scripture verses
y’all send me!
For each chance I get to
tell Todd and the kids that I love them…
Hearing a friend who is
struggling with depression laugh!! Made my whole week!
As I conclude this post, I
have to close with scripture – which along with being thankful, is what keeps
us going.
Ps 100
Shout for joy to the Lord,
all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
Come before him with joyful songs
Know that the Lord is God
It is he who made us and we are his;
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with
And his courts with praise;
Give thanks to him and praise his name
For the Lord is good and his
love endures forever;
His faithfulness continues through all
Am I thankful for this set back? Not
really – though I am thankful that we have seen good come out of this. Does that change God’s goodness? Not a bit!
I just need to grow and mature more so that I can be thankful for the
trials. In the meantime, never lose
sight of His goodness!
Eph 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at
work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout
all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!
Zech 4:6 kept coming
to me last week
Not by might,
nor by power,
but by my spirit says the Lord Almighty!
And this totally proved true
– all my huffing, crying and ranting got me nothing, but God’s sprirt brought consensus
between 3 doctors with widely divergent attitudes.
My prayer is that as I start
this new chapter in the fight to contain the beast, that God will fight for me –
as he has told me so often --
Deut 1:30 The Lord your God who goes before your will
himself fight for you,
just as he did for you in Egypt before
your eyes.
Deut 3:22 You shall not fear them (the cancer cells),
for it is the Lord your God who fights for you.
Thanks for walkin’ with us–
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave me a note- I am so
willing to answer anything so others are helped! Thanks for checkin’ in!
His peace be with you. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses and a troop of prayer warriors!